Beukes, R. B. I.Esterhuyse, K. G. F.Van Zyl, Laurisa2016-01-112016-01-112010-05 The general aim of this study is largely to explore and study aspects (emotional and experiential, and cognitive) of psychological connectedness to nature and life style among urban young adults. Participants (n=1263) between the ages of 21 to 40 years from four cities (Bloemfontein, Durban, Kimberley and Pretoria) were included. The measuring instruments used in this study are the Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS), the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), the Lifestyle Index A (L A) and a biographical questionnaire. With regards to cognitive connectedness to nature (also pro-ecological worldview) significant differences were found in terms of race, highest educational qualification and language group. A significant positive correlation between emotional and experiential aspects of connectedness to nature, and lifestyle was also established. This correlation was found to be significant for gender, age, race, language, urban area, growing up living environment, highest educational level, the caring for domestic nature elements and specifically pets. Outdoor working environment pertained significantly to a positive correlation between emotional and experiential, and cognitive connectedness to nature. Identified psychosocial themes such as aspects of participants’ lives that influence their connectedness to nature, differentiated significantly between levels of cognitive connectedness to nature.Afrikaans: Die oorkoepelende doelwit van hierdie ondersoek is, om in ooreenstemming met die verkennende aard van hierdie studie, aspekte (emosionele en belewenismatige, en kognitiewe) van psigologiese verbintenis tot die natuur en lewenstyl by Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike jong volwassenes te ondersoek. Deelnemers (n=1263) tussen die ouderdomme van 21 en 40 jaar van vier stede (Bloemfontein, Durban, Kimberley en Pretoria) is betrek. Die meetinstrumente wat hier gebruik is, is die Verbintenis tot die Natuurskaal (VNS), die Nuwe Ekologiese Paradigma (NEP), Lewenstylindeks A (L-A) en ’n biografiese vraelys. Beduidende verskille is vir ras, hoogste opvoedkundige kwalifikasie en taalgroep in terme van die kognitiewe aspek van psigologiese verbintenis tot die natuur (gemeet deur pro-ekologiese wêreldbeskouing) verkry. Daar is verder ook ‘n beduidende positiewe verband tussen emosionele en belewenismatige, en kognitiewe aspekte van psigologiese verbintenis met lewenstyl vir stedelike jong volwassenes bevind. Dit is ook aanwesig vir onder meer geslag, ouderdom, ras, taalgroep, stedelike woongebied, woonomgewing in die grootwordjare, hoogste opvoedkundige peil, die versorging van huishoudelike natuurelemente en spesifiek troeteldiere. Beide aspekte van psigologiese verbintenis tot die natuur het ook met lewenstyl verband gehou vir respondente wat buitenshuise werke beoefen. Geïdentifiseerde psigososiale temas soos lewensaspekte wat verbintenis tot die natuur beïnvloed het ook beduidend tussen vlakke van kognitiewe verbintenis tot die natuur gedifferensieer.afThesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2010Environmental psychologyCity and townlife -- Psychological aspectsUrban youth -- PsyhologyHuman beings -- Effect of environment onPro-ecological worldviewCognitive connectedness to natureEmotional and experiential connectedness to natureYoung adulthoodUrban life stylePsychological connectedness to natureDie verband tussen lewenstyl en aspekte van psigologiese verbintenis met die natuur by stedelike jong volwassenesThesisUniversity of the Free State