Roth, Mia2017-09-082017-09-082002Roth, M. (2002). The wide-ranging influence of the 1928 decree of the Communist International. Acta Academica, 34(1), 114-136.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article deals with the impact of a decree passed by the Communist International in Moscow in 1928. It shows how it influenced not only the most important communist party outside the Soviet Union at that time, namely the German Communist Party, but also the smallest, the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA), both of which were hampered by the rigid doctrinaire beliefs forced upon them by Stalin via the Comintern. The paper argues that the CPSA would have been more successful if it had listened to the views of some black party members. This might have shortened its long period in the political wilderness.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel behandel die inpak van ’n dekreet deur die Kommunistiese Internasionale (Komintern) in Moskou gedurende 1928. Dit bespreek die invloed op die belangrikste kommunistiese party van daardie tyd buite die Soviet Unie, naamlik die Duitse Kommunistiese Party, maar ook die kleinste, die Kommunistiese Party van Suid-Afrika (KPSA). Beide is gekortwiek deur die rigiede doktrinêre idees wat via die Komintern deur Stalin op hulle afgeforseer is. Daar word geargumenteer dat die KPSA meer suksesvol sou gewees het indien hulle na die menings van sommige van die swart partylede sou geluister het. Dit kon die tydperk wat die KPSA in die politieke wildernis deurgebring het, aansienlik verkort het.enDecree 1928Communist partyGerman Communist PartyCommunist Party of South AfricaCommunist InternationalCommunist movement in South AfricaThe wide-ranging influence of the 1928 decree of the Communist InternationalArticleUniversity of the Free State