Cunningham, M.Bakheit, M. A.Latif, AbdallaMoloi, Tshoanelo Portia2015-11-242015-11-242010-022010-022010-02 Equine piroplasmosis is a protozoan disease of horses caused by two parasites, Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Both parasites are transmitted by ixodid ticks belonging to the genera Boophilus, Hyalomma, Dermacentor and Rhipicephalus. Equine piroplasmosis has a worldwide distribution and is endemic in tropical and sub-tropical regions, including Central and South America, Africa, Asia and Southern Europe. The economic impact of equine piroplasmosis in South Africa is assumed to be millions of Rands due to a combination of direct losses, convalescence period and incidental costs such as vaccinations, treatment and veterinary fees. There is little information on parasite strains in South Africa. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the prevalence of equine piroplasmosis in Free State (FS) and KwaZulu Natal (KZN) of South Africa, using molecular and serological techniques, and (ii) strain variation of equine piroplasmosis parasites, namely, B. caballi and T. equi, using 18S rRNA DNA sequences analysis. Diagnostic methods used in this study include microscopy (thin blood smears), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Blood samples were collected from a total of 534 horses in the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal (444 were collected from FS and 90 from KZN). No B. caballi was detected from all samples collected from both provinces (FS and KZN) by microscopy and PCR. Of 507 serum samples tested for B. caballi by IFAT, a seroprevalence of 61% was detected. A mean value of 34% of samples was positive for T. equi using a PCR test and sero-prevalence of 94% was detected by IFAT. Fifty two percent of the 250 tested sera samples were positive for T. equi by ELISA. Together these results suggest high levels of exposure to parasites, high levels of current infections and uncertainty in current serological tests for these parasites. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene showed considerable diversity of T. equi strains in South Africa. T. equi is highly prevalent in South Africa with the parasite appearing to be more prevalent in KZN than FS. This study also confirmed the distribution of this disease as described in previous studies, and the disease was found also in the area which previously was declared disease-free. There is considerable variation in T. equi genotypes in the country and no clear phylogeographic structuring of these genotypes. These results may indicate that there is much movement of infected carrier horses within the country and even to and from other countries. B. caballi prevalence is still not clear as only IFAT seems to detect antibodies to infection by this parasite. There is a need for the development of highly sensitive assays for the detection of B. caballi, thereby enabling determination of prevalence and strain diversity studies of this parasite.Afrikaans: Equine piroplamosis is ‘n perde siekte wat veroorsaak word deur twee eensellige parasiete, Babesia caballi en Theileria equi. Alby parasiete word oorgedra deur ixodied bosluise, wat behoort aan die genera Boophilus, Hyalomma, Dermacentor en Rhipicephalus. Equine piroplasmosis het ‘n wêreld wye distribusie en is endemies tot die tropiese en sub-tropiese gebiede, insluitend sentraal en suiderlike Amerika, Afrika, Asia en suiderlike Europa. Die ekonomiese impak van equine piroplasmosis in Suid Afrika word geskat om miljoene rande te beslaan, weens direkte verlies, lang herstel periodes en addisionele onkostes vir inenting, behandelings en veeartse. Daar is beperkte informasie beskikbaar oor die parasiet variante verantwoordelik vir equine piroplasmosis in Suid Afrika. Die doel van die studie was om (i) te bepaal die digtheid van voorkoms van equine piroplasmosis vir die Vrystaat (VS) en KwaZulu Natal (KZN) omgewings in Suid Afrika deur gebruik te maak van molekulêre en serologiese tegnieke, en (ii) om variasie te toets in die parasiete varieteit van T. equi en B. caballi. Diagnostiese metodes waarvan gebruik gemaak was sluit in mikroskopie (din bloed smere), Polimerase Ketting Reaksies (PKR), Indirekte Floreserende Teenliggaams Toets (IFTT) en Ensiem-Koppeling Immunoabsorbeurende Analiese (EKIA). Bloed monsters was ingesamel vir ‘n totaal van 534 perde van die VS en KZN omgewing (444 vir die VS en 90 vir KZN). Geen B. caballi was waargeneem vir die monsters ingesamel van beide provinsies deur die mikroskopie en PKR toetse nie. Van die 507 bloed monsters getoets vir B. caballi deur gebruik te maak van IFTT, ‘n serum-digtheid van 61% was verkry. ‘n Gemiddelde van 34% monsters het positief getoets vir T. equi tydens die PKR toets, terwyld die IFTT toets ‘n serum-digtheid van 94% getoon het. Twee en vyftig persent van die serum toetse het positief getoets vir T. Equi tydens die EKIA toets. Gesamentlik toon die resultate hoë vlakke van blootstelling tot T.equi, hoë vlakke van huidige infeksie en onsekerheid oor huidige serologiese toetse vir T.equi. Basis volgorde bepaling en filogenetiese analisis van die 18S rRNA geen toon merkwaardige diversiteit van T. equi variente vir Suid Afrika. T. equi toon ‘n hoë digtheid in Suid Afrika, met KZN digter as VS. Die studie verder bevestig die distribusie van equine piroplamosis soos beskryf deur vorige studies en dat equine piroplamosis verder versprei het na vorige ongeafekteerde areas. Daar is ook gevind dat daar groot variasie in T. equi genotipes is in die land en geen duidelike filogeografiese grense beskik vir die genotipes nie. Dit mag aanduiding gee dat daar baie beweging van geinfekteerde perde is binne die land, en selfs moontlik na en van ander lande. B. caballi digtheid is onseker weens die rede dat die IFTT toets slegs aanduiding gegee het van infestasie deur die parasiet. Laastens is daar ‘n nodigheid vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n meer sensitiewe toets vir die waarneeming van B. caballi teenwoordigheid, wat sal lei tot die digtheid van voorkoms en variasie toetsing tussen die variente van die B. caballi.enDissertation (M.Sc. (Zoology and Entomology))--University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus), 2010Horses -- DiseaseTicksBabesiosis in horsesSerology, molecular epidemiology and strain diversity of equine piroplasms in South AfricaDissertationUniversity of the Free State