Grobler, A. A.Lens, W.Otto, Jonaria2016-03-312016-03-312002-112002-112016-03-29 The aim of this study was to investigate the concepts future time perspective and health practices as indexes of motivation and behaviour respectively. This study was conducted among young adolescents in South Africa, specifically university students. International studies found a relationship between these domains. The cluster sample technique was used to select members of the sample. An attempt was made to involve equal numbers of students representing the different cultures (white and black) and sexes. The final sample was comprised of 347 undergraduate students at the University of the Free State. The Health and Behaviour Survey and the Future Time Perspective Questionnaire was applied. The results indicate that women are more readily involved in health practices than men. Furthermore, women show a more optimistic attitude towards health practices. Among women, long term social relationships, as a component of future time perspective, are positively related to the application of health practices. University and professional careers, as a component of future time perspective, is related to the application of health practices among young adult men. White students' health practices, as well as their knowledge of health practices, measured significantly higher than that of black students. With regard to the components of future time perspective, white students attach greater value to social relationships (short and long term) and recreation than black students do. For both cultural groups, long term personal development, as a component of future time perspective, shows the greatest positive relationship with all three components of health practices.Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die domeine toekomstydsperspektief en gesondheidspraktyke as indekse van motivering en gedragspatrone te ondersoek. Internasionale studies het wel 'n verband tussen genoemde domeine gevind. Die studie fokus op die jong volwassene in Suid-Afrika en meer spesifiek die universiteitstudent Die trossteekproeftegniek is gebruik om proefpersone by die studie te betrek. Daar is gepoog om gelyke hoeveelhede studente wat verteenwoordigend van die verskillende kulture (wit en swart) en beide geslagte is, te betrek. Die finale steekproef het bestaan uit 347 voorgraadse studente aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat Die Health and Behaviour Survey en die Future Time Perspective Questionnaire is toegepas. Resultate dui daarop dat die beoefening van gesondheidspraktyke meer geredelik by vroue as by mans voorkom. Vroue toon ook 'n meer optimistiese houding teenoor gesondheidspraktyke. Langtermyn sosiale verhoudinge, as komponent van toekomstydsperspektief, toon 'n positiewe verband met die beoefening van gesondheidspraktyke by vroue. By die jong volwasse man hou universiteits- en professionele loopbaan, as komponent van toekomstydperspektief, verband met die beoefening van gesondheidspraktyke. Die wit studente se beoefening asook hul kennis van gesondheidspraktyke het beduidend hoer gemeet as die swart studente s'n. Ten opsigte van die komponente van toekomstydsperspektief is die wit student meer gesteld op sosiale verhoudinge (kort- en langtermyn) asook vryetydsbesteding as in die geval van die swart student. Langtermyn persoonlike ontwikkeling, as komponent van toekomstydsperspektief, toon die grootste positiewe verband met al drie aspekte van gesondheidspraktyke vir beide kulture.afDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2002Motivation (Psychology)Self-actualization (Psychology)Goal (Psychology)Future time perspectiveHealth practicesMotivation of behaviourBlack and white culturesBoth sexesThe young adolescentThe university studentDie verband tussen toekomstydsperspektief en gesondheidspraktyke tydens vroeƫ volwassenheidDissertationUniversity of the Free State