Boshoff-Jansen, JeannetteMulder, Dalme2019-07-122019-07-122003Boshoff-Jansen, J, & Mulder, D. (2003). Radio en geïntegreerde bemarkingskommunikasie: kritiese vraagstukke. Communitas, 8, 85-105.1023-0556 (print)2415-0525 (online) stations cannot only pay attention to their on-air product and presume that it will ensure the desired listenership figures and optimal advertisers. Radio stations that want to be successful - as a radio station and as a business - have to make use of an integrated marketing communications approach. In this article, the authors examine the extent of integrated marketing communications per se, as well as the indispensable role of integrated marketing communications within the realm of broadcast media. The authors conclude by identifying certain questions that radio stations could ask to investigate which defects and/or deficiencies exist in their stations' marketing communications. The answers generated from these questions could guide a radio station towards establishing an effective integrated marketing communication strategy.enRadioAdvertisingIntegrated marketing communication (IMC)Radio en geïntegreerde bemarkingskommunikasie: kritiese vraagstukkeArticleUniversity of the Free State