Esterhuyse, K.Sardiwalla, Nasreen2015-11-062015-11-062004-112004-112004-11 The present study examines the importance of work-related stressors and coping strategies as factors contributing to burnout experienced by hospice workers. A crosssection survey design was used, with a sample of 78 hospice workers drawn from hospices in Bloemfontein (Free State) and Ladysmith (KZN). The Life and Work Circumstances Questionnaire (Van Zyl & Van der Walt, 1991), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1996), and the Cope Scale (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) were administered. A hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine the relative contribution of different job-related stressors such as job insecurity, task characteristics, career matters and organisational functioning to burnout experienced by participants, and also to determine the effect of coping strategies, namely problem-focused, emotionally-focused and ineffective coping strategies on burnout. The results indicated that 43 % of the sample reported high levels of burnout, with 67% experiencing high levels of emotional exhaustion. The most important stressors were related to organisational functioning, stressors outside the work situation, task characteristics, and career matters. Problem-focused and ineffective coping strategies also played a significant role in burnout.Afrikaans: In hierdie ondersoek word die belangr ikheid van stressors binne die werksplek asook hanteringstrategieë as faktore wat moontlik kan bydra tot die uitbrandingsindroom by hospitium werkers bestudeer. 'n Dwarssnit-opname-ontwerp is gebruik, met 'n steekproef bestaande uit 78 hospitium werkers afkomstig van Bloemfontein (Vrystaat) en Ladysmith (KZN). Die Werks- en * Lewenservaringe Vraelys (Van Zyl & Van der Walt, 1991), die Maslach uitbrandingsvraelys (Maslach & Jackson, 1996) en die COPE Skaal (Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989) is toegepas. 'n Hiërargiese regressie-ontleding is gebruik om die onderskeie bydraes van die verskillende stressors soos 'n gebrek aan werksekuriteit, taakkenmerke, loopbaanaangeleenthede en organisatoriese funksionering in die werkplek en die effek van ondoeltreffende hanteringstrategieë op uitbranding by hospitium werkers te bepaal. Die rol van probleemgefokusde, emosioneelgefokusde en ondoeltreffende hanteringstrategieë in die ervaring van uitbranding is ook ondersoek. D ie resultate het aangetoon dat 43% van die steekproef hoë vlakke van uitbranding aangemeld het en dat 67% hoë vlakke van emosionele uitputting gerapporteer het. Die belangrikste stressors het verband gehou met organisatoriese funksionering, stressors buite die werksituasie, taakkenmerke en loopbaanaangeleenthede. Probleemgefokusde en ondoeltreffende hanteringstrategieë het ook 'n beduidende rol in uitbranding gespeel.enBurnoutWork-related stressorsStressors outside work situationCoping strategiesHospice workersJob securityOrganizational functioningEmotional exhaustionProblem-focused coping strategiesEmotionally -focused coping strategiesIneffective coping strategiesHospice care -- Job stressStress managementHospice care -- Psychological aspectsBurn out (Psychology)Dissertation (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2004The influence of stressors and coping strategies in hospice workersDissertationUniversity of the Free State