Van Zyl, H. C.2019-02-012019-02-011999Van Zyl, H. C. (1999). 'n Perspektief op makrogemeentes vanuit die wesensaard van die kerk volgens die Nuwe Testament. Acta Theologica, 19(2), 96-112..1015 - 8758 (print)2309-9089 (online) article argues the case for New Testament guidelines to the phenomenon of macro congregations today - churches in excess of 3 500 church members. After dealing with some methodological matters, the following topics are created: the church being both an eschatological community - a foreign body in che world - and part of this world. Sub-topics like the church as small group and large community, unity and diversity, and charism and office in the church, are created. The article concludes with a view remarks from the above exposition with a view co macro'n Perspektief op makrogemeentes vanuit die wesensaard van die kerk volgens die Nuwe TestamentArticleFaculty of Theology, University of the Free State