Naidoo, P.Botha, A.Bester, Edelweiss Wilma2019-03-252019-03-252014-10 This study aimed to investigate whether mindfulness plays a role in the life satisfaction and spiritual well-being of elderly individuals. The elderly are the fastest growing population worldwide. However, a longer life does not guarantee good health or a high-quality life. One inevitable psychological consequence of aging is the confrontation with mortality (Nelson, 2012); still, the desire for life satisfaction remains universal (Diener, 1984). A non-experimental research design was employed in this study to investigate the role of mindfulness in the relationship between life satisfaction and spiritual well-being in a convenience sample of 122 elderly citizens residing in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The participants, 37 men and 85 women, were selected from two local retirement homes, all of similar socio-economic status. All participants were above the age of 60 years. A biographical questionnaire was administered in order to gather information regarding the age, marital status, gender, race, and home language of the sample. The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (Brown & Ryan, 2003) was used to assess mindfulness, while spiritual well-being was measured by means of the Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (Gomez & Fisher, 2003). Life satisfaction was measured by the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, 1984). Key findings were that the scores on the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale showed statistically significant relationships with scores from the Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire and Satisfaction with Life Scale respectively for the sample in question. Also, a stronger positive correlation was indicated between the scores for the Satisfaction with Life Scale and for the Spiritual Wellbeing Questionnaire for the 25% of individuals with the lowest mindfulness scores (r=0.643; p=0.00) than for the 25% of individuals with the highest mindfulness scores (r=0.613; p=0.001). These findings clearly emphasise the importance of understanding the effect of mindfulness on the relationship between life satisfaction and spiritual well-being within this cohort.Afrikaans: Hierdie studie ondersoek die mate waarin indagtigheid ’n rol speel in die lewenstevredenheid en spirituele welstand van bejaardes. Bejaardes is die bevolkingsgroep wat wêreldwyd die vinnigste groei. ’n Langer lewe waarborg egter nie goeie gesondheid en hoë lewensgehalte nie. Een onvermydelike sielkundige gevolg van veroudering is die konfrontasie met mortaliteit (Nelson, 2012); nietemin bly lewenstevredenheid ’n universele begeerte (Diener, 1984). ’n Nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is in die studie gebruik om die rol te ondersoek van indagtigheid in die verhouding tussen spirituele welstand en lewenstevredenheid in ’n gerieflikheidsteekproef, bestaande uit 122 bejaarde burgers van Bloemfontein. Die deelnemers, 37 mans en 85 vroue met soortgelyke sosio-ekonomiese status, is uit twee plaaslike ouetehuise geselekteer. Alle deelnemers is ouer as 60 jaar. ’n Biografiese vraelys is afgeneem met die doel om inligting oor die deelnemers se ouderdom, huwelikstatus, geslag, ras en huistaal in te samel. Die Indagtigheidskaal (Brown & Ryan, 2003) is gebruik om deelnemers se indagtigheid te assesseer. Hiermeesaam is spirituele welstand gemeet deur middel van die Spirituele Welstandsvraelys (Gomez & Fisher, 2003), en lewenstevredenheid met behulp van die Lewenstevredenheidskaal (Diener, 1984). Sleutelbevindinge is dat die tellings op die Indagtigheidskaal statisties beduidende verhoudings toon met tellings op die Spirituele Welstandsvraelys sowel as die Lewenstevredenheidskaal. So ook is ’n sterker korrelasie gevind tussen die Lewenstevredendheid- en Spirituele Welstandskale vir die 25% deelnemers met die laagste tellings op die Indagtigheidskaal (r=0.643; p=0.00) teenoor die 25% deelnemers met die hoogste tellings op hierdie skaal (r=0.613; p=0.001). Die studie beklemtoon hoe belangrik dit is om begrip te hê van die effek van indagtigheid op die verhouding tussen lewenstevredenheid en spirituelewelstand van hierdie kohort.enDissertation (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2014Positive psychologyMindfulnessSpiritual well-beingWell-beingLife satisfactionElderlyGeriatricsThe role of mindfulness in the relationship between life satisfaction and spiritual well-being in the elderlyDissertationUniversity of the Free State