Bester, Garfield2016-06-152016-06-152011Bester, G. (2011). Parent-child relationship and adolescent egocentrism. Acta Academica, 43(2), 145-164.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article aims to establish how different categories of parent-child relationships are associated with certain manifestations of egocentrism. An empirical investigation was carried out, and questionnaires were used to measure egocentrism and parent-child relationships. The results of the investigation showed that the adapted egocentrism questionnaire can be considered reliable and construct valid. Significant negative correlations were obtained between parent-child relationships and egocentrism, in particular between personal fable and the relationship of knowing. Results from the regression analysis showed that 39% of the variance in parent-child relationship can jointly be explained by imaginary audience, personal fable and overestimation of responsibilities.Afrikaans: Die artikel het ten doel om vas te stel hoe verskillende kategorieë van ouer-kindverhoudinge verband hou met sekere manifestasies van egosentrisme. ’n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer en vraelyste is gebruik om egosentrisme en ouer-kindverhouding te meet. Die resultate van die ondersoek het aangetoon dat die aangepaste vraelys om egosentrisme te meet betroubaar en konstrukgeldig is. Beduidende negatiewe korrelasies is gevind tussen ouer-kindverhouding en egosentrisme, veral tussen persoonlike fabel en kenverhouding. Resultate van die regressie analise het getoon dat 39% van die variansie in ouer-kindverhouding gesamentlik verklaar kan word deur verbeelde gehoor, persoonlike fabel en oorskatting van verantwoordelikhede.enParent-child relationshipsEgocentrismAdolescentsParent-child relationship and adolescent egocentrismArticleUniversity of the Free State