Wessels, AndreSwiegers, Gertrude Maylene2016-01-142016-01-142014-072014-072014-07http://hdl.handle.net/11660/2214English: This study focuses on Britain’s role in labour relations in South Africa and the influence of Britain on the interaction between state, capital and labour in the country from 1867 to 1910. The research places renewed emphasis on the labour question in early South African labour history by concentrating on Britain as an important role player in the labour environment. This will allow for a better understanding of labour dynamics in South Africa and highlight the attempts of Britain to influence labour policy during the period. The thesis explores the impact of Britain on the labour question in South Africa by investigating the direct and indirect role of the British government, the public and press in Britain, civil society and its influence on British policy, the impact of British emigrants on South Africa, as well as the use of the South African labour question by the British opposition. Britain’s role in recruiting and managing the labour supply in South Africa is outlined, as well as the impact of political events and colonial policy on labour in South Africa. The main sources of labour in South Africa are discussed, as well as the British role in securing these labour sources. African administration, the role of taxation and land in labour supply, and the British role and reaction to these issues are also highlighted, along with the interaction of the British government with the other parties in the labour relationship, namely capital, the colonial states and labour. Labour is an important issue in contemporary South African society and the study will hopefully, through the investigation of early labour history, also shed light on contemporary labour issues. This early period, 1867 to 1910, is controversial and critically important in the transition to modern South Africa since it established the foundations of labour relations in the country. The policies, legislation and labour framework established during this period would lead to extensive strike actions in the years after the establishment of the Union in South Africa, and would shape labour politics and state-labour relationships for decades to come.Afrikaans: Hierdie studie fokus op die rol wat Brittanje in Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsverhoudinge gespeel het en op die invloed van Brittanje op die interaksie tussen staat, kapitaal en arbeid in suidelike Afrika vanaf 1867 tot 1910. Die navorsing plaas hernieude klem op die arbeidsvraagstuk in die vroëe Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsgeskiedenis deur te konsentreer op Brittanje as ’n belangrike rolspeler in die arbeidsomgewing. Die studie skep ’n platform vir ’n beter begrip van die arbeidsdinamika in Suid-Afrika en lê klem op Brittanje se pogings om arbeidsbeleid gedurende dié periode te beïnvloed. Die proefskrif ontgin Brittanje se impak op die arbeidsvraagstuk in Suid-Afrika deur die volgende faktore te ondersoek: die direkte en indirekte rol van die Britse regering, publiek en pers, asook die burgerlike samelewing en die invloed daarvan op Britse beleid, die impak van Britse emigrante op Suid-Afrika, asook die wyse waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsvraagstuk deur die Britse opposisie gebruik is. Brittanje se rol in die werwing en bestuur van die arbeidsaanvraag in Suid-Afrika, asook die impak van politieke gebeure en die koloniale arbeidsbeleid in Suid-Afrika, word ook beskryf. Die hoofbronne van arbeid in Suid-Afrika word bespreek, asook Brittanje se rol in die beveiliging van dié arbeidsbronne. Die administrasie van swart mense, die rol van belasting en grond in arbeidsvoorsiening, en Brittanje se rol en reaksie op hierdie kwessies word voorts ook belig, tesame met die interaksie van die Britse regering met ander partye in die arbeidsverhoudinge, naamlik kapitaal, die koloniale staat en arbeid. Arbeid is ’n belangrike kwessie in die kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing en die studie werp lig op eietydse arbeidskwessies, deur ondersoek in te stel na die gebied se vroeë arbeidsgeskiedenis. Dié vroëe periode, 1867 tot 1910, is omstrede en van kritieke belang in die ontwikkeling van moderne Suid-Afrika, aangesien dit die grondslae van arbeidsverhoudinge in die land gevestig het. Die beleidsrigtings, wetgewing en arbeidsraamwerk wat gedurende hierdie periode tot stand gebring is, het bygedra tot uitgebreide stakings in die jare na die totstandkoming van die Unie van Suid-Afrika en sou arbeidspolitiek, asook die verhouding tussen staat en arbeid asook arbeidsverhoudinge in die algemeen vir dekades daarna beïnvloed.enLabourStrikeLabour supplyTrade unionColonial policyEmigrationApprenticeshipSlaveryIndentured labourCoerced labourLabour migrationGreat Britian -- Relations --South AfricaGreat Britain -- Foreign relations -- South AfricaColonization -- HistoryGreat Britain -- Colonization -- History -- 20th centurySouth Africa -- History -- 19th centurySouth Africa -- History -- 20th centuryThesis (Ph.D. (History))--University of the Free State, 2014Britain and the labour question in South Africa: the interaction of State, Capital, labour and colonial power, 1867-1910ThesisUniversity of the Free State