Van Rhyn, LilyMatela, Matlhabeli Kananelo2017-05-172017-05-172005-01 The mothers of pregnant unmarried adolescents often go through various difficult situations as they attempt to support their adolescents through the pregnancy. Some of the problems they encounter can have harmful effects on their own health, on the health of the pregnant adolescents and/or even on the development of the expected baby. In Lesotho it is socially unacceptable for an unmarried adolescent to become pregnant. This state of illegitimacy usually carries a stigma or deformation of character that can affect the adolescent mother-to-be and her child before and/or after birth. The purpose of this study was firstly to explore and describe the experiences of mothers (or mother-figures) who lived with pregnant unmarried adolescents in a community in Lesotho. Secondly, to formulate appropriate guidelines for supporting the mothers of pregnant unmarried adolescents, depending on the findings, to promote, maintain and restore optimum health for themselves, the pregnant adolescents and their expected babies. An explanatory, descriptive, contextual qualitative research design was used. Data were collected by in-depth phenomenological interviews. Guba's model of ensuring trustworthiness was applied. The analysis of data was according to Tesch's (1990) model. The respondents were fourteen in all. Four themes that emerged from the analysis of the results were: emotions, relationships, physical/social problems and religion. The emotions that dominated in all the respondents were anger, hurt, worry and finally acceptance. The relationships between the respondents and the adolescents were supportive. However the relationships between the respondents and their spouses, relatives and the community were either supportive or non supportive. Some of the physical/social problems that the respondents experienced were fatigue, sleeplessness, financial shortages and discrimination. The religion of the some respondents gave them the courage to face their problems, while other respondents were embarrassed and discriminated against by their churches. The results thus revealed both the negative and positive experiences of the mothers. However, as the mothers were the primary caregivers of the adolescents and the source of material and emotional support, they had to carry all the problems related to the adolescents' pregnancies. Guidelines have been recommended in order to facilitate the mothers to mobilise their resources for better health for all, namely: the mothers themselves, the pregnant adolescents and their expected babies. The recommendations include providing counselling sessions for the mothers, in order to empower them with information on reproductive health. The mothers are the primary caregivers in the homes, therefore need constant counselling sessions to help them to carry their loads, since special issues like adolescent pregnancy place an additional burden on them. Mothers and adolescents are encouraged to form support groups each, where they can learn life skills. Counselling seminars for the fathers have been recommended, so that they can support the mothers and the adolescents. Family life education should be established and strengthened in the homes and schools.Afrikaans: Die moeders van swanger ongetroude adolessente gaan dikwels deur verskeie moeilike situasies in hul pogings om hul adolessente te midde van swangerskap te ondersteun. Sommige van die probleme wat hulondervind kan 'n skadelike uitwerking hê op hul eie gesondheid, op die gesondheid van hul swanger adolessente en selfs ook op die ontwikkeling van die ongebore baba. Dit is sosiaalonaanvaarbaar vir 'n ongetroude adolessent In Lesotho om swanger te word. Daar is gewoonlik 'n stigma gekoppel aan die staat van buite-egtelikheid en dit werp 'n klad op die karakter van die ongetroude adolessente moeder wat haar en haar kind voor en na die geboorte kan affekteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die ervaringe van moeders (of die moederfigure) wat saam met die swanger ongetroude adolessente in 'n gemeenskap in Lesotho bly, te ondersoek en te beskryf. Tweedens om toepaslike riglyne vir die ondersteuning van die moeders van swanger ongetroude adolessente te formuleer, en afhangende van die bevindinge, die optimum gesondheid vir hulself, die swanger adolessente en hulongebore babas te bevorder, te handhaaf en te herstel. 'n Ondersoekende, beskrywende, kontekstuele kwalitatiewe OPSOMMING Die moeders van swanger ongetroude adolessente gaan dikwels deur verskeie moeilike situasies in hul pogings om hul adolessente te midde van swangerskap te ondersteun. Sommige van die probleme wat hulondervind kan 'n skadelike uitwerking hê op hul eie gesondheid, op die gesondheid van hul swanger adolessente en selfs ook op die ontwikkeling van die ongebore baba. Dit is sosiaalonaanvaarbaar vir 'n ongetroude adolessent In Lesotho om swanger te word. Daar is gewoonlik 'n stigma gekoppel aan die staat van buite-egtelikheid en dit werp 'n klad op die karakter van die ongetroude adolessente moeder wat haar en haar kind voor en na die geboorte kan affekteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die ervaringe van moeders (of die moederfigure) wat saam met die swanger ongetroude adolessente in 'n gemeenskap in Lesotho bly, te ondersoek en te beskryf. Tweedens om toepaslike riglyne vir die ondersteuning van die moeders van swanger ongetroude adolessente te formuleer, en afhangende van die bevindinge, die optimum gesondheid vir hulself, die swanger adolessente en hulongebore babas te bevorder, te handhaaf en te herstel. navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Data is versamel deur diepte- fenomenologiese onderhoude. Guba se model, gerig op die versekering van betroubaarheid, is toegepas. Die analise van data is gedoen volgens Tesch (1990) se model. Die respondente was veertien in totaal. Vier temas het uit die analise na vore gekom, te wete: emosies, verhoudings, fisiese/sosiale probleme en godsdiens. Die emosies wat in al die respondente gedomineer het was woede, seerkry, bekommernis en uiteindelik aanvaarding. Die verhoudings tussen die respondente en die adolessente was ondersteunend. Die verhoudings tussen respondente en hul eggenoot, familielede en die gemeenskap was of ondersteunend of nie-ondersteunend. Sommige van die fisiese/sosiale probleme wat die respondente ervaar het was moegheid, slaaploosheid, finansiële tekorte en diskriminasie. Die godsdiens van sommige respondente het hul die moed gegee om hul probleme aan te spreek, terwyl ander respondente benadeel is en daar teen hul gediskrimineer is deur hul kerke. Die resultate het dus beide die negatiewe en die positiewe ervaringe van die moeders getoon. Aangesien die moeders egter die primêre versorgers van die adolessente was en die bron van materiële en emosionele ondersteuning, moes hul al die probleme verbandhoudend met die adolessente se swangerskap, gedra het. Riglyne is aanbeveel ten einde die moeders te help om hul hulpbronne te mobiliseer met die oog op beter gesondheid vir almal, te wete die moeders self, die swanger adolessente en hulongebore babas. Die aanbevelings sluit in die verskaffing van voorligtingsessies aan moeders ten einde hulle te bemagtig met inligting oor voortplantingsgesondheid. Die moeders is die primêre versorgers in huise en benodig daarom voortdurende voorligtingsessies om hul te help om hul ladings te dra, aangesien spesiale kwessies soos swangerskappe van adolessente bykomende laste op hul laai. Moeders en adolessente word aangemoedig om elk ondersteuningsgroepe te vorm waar hul lewensvaardighede kan aanleer. Voorligtingseminare vir die vaders is ook aanbeveel, sodat hul die moeders en die adolessente kan ondersteun. Voorligting oor gesinslewe moet ook by die huis en by die skool daargestel en versterk word.enTeenage mothers -- LesothoUnmarried mothers -- LesothoParent and childDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2005Experiences of mothers of pregnant unmarried adolescents in a community in LesothoDissertationUniversity of the Free State