Naidoo, P.Le Roux, Helene EngelaVan den Berg, H. S.2015-09-082015-09-082012-022012-022012-02 International and national studies indicate that substance use and abuse are considered important psychosocial issues among adolescents. It is therefore critical to investigate the risk and protection factors that may contribute to the development of this behavioural problem. The main purpose of this study was to determine whether coping could serve as a predictor of substance abuse, while the role of ethnicity was also investigated. To put substance abuse into context, the extent of substance use among adolescents in the Free State was determined. In order to achieve the goal of this study, a non-experimental research design was followed, consisting of both correlation and criterion group components. The research group comprised 494 grade 8 learners from ten schools in the Free State. The measuring instruments utilised were a self-compiled biographical and substance use questionnaire, a selected sub-scale of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory for Adolescents (SASSI-A2) (Miller & Lazowski, 2001) and the Revised-Coping Scheme Inventory (R-CSI) (Wong, Reker, & Peacock, 2006). The results indicated that two coping strategies, namely passive emotional and active emotional coping, could serve as statistically significant predictors of substance abuse symptoms. The active emotional coping strategy played a protecting role, while the passive emotional coping strategy increased the risk of substance abuse. Regarding ethnic differences, white and black adolescents differed significantly in the prevalence of substance abuse symptoms, where black adolescents reported a higher incidence. Furthermore, it was found that adolescents in the Free State use various substances, where the use and overuse of alcohol had an especially high incidence. Ethnicity also affected the use of coping strategies. White adolescents used more situational coping strategies in comparison to coloured adolescents. Further, more coping through the formation of meaning was used by white as opposed to black adolescents. Black adolescents, however, used more social support as a coping strategy in comparison to coloured adolescents. The results emphasise that coping does indeed play a role in the prevalence of substance abuse, although, in this study, it explained only a small percentage of the total variance. Based on the results, it is suggested that intervention programmes focus on the development of emotionally regulating characteristics of the adolescent. Further research can investigate the contextual variables that influence the emotional regulation of the adolescent.Afrikaans: Internasionale en nasionale studies dui daarop dat substansgebruik en -misbruik as ‘n belangrike psigososiale kwessie onder adolessente beskou word. Gevolglik is dit belangrik om die risiko- en beskermingsfaktore te ondersoek wat ‘n bydrae lewer in die ontwikkeling van hierdie probleemgedrag. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om te bepaal of coping as ‘n voorspeller vir substansmisbruik kan dien, terwyl die rol van etnisiteit ook ondersoek is. Om die misbruik van substanse binne konteks te plaas, is substansgebruik by adolessente in die Vrystaat ook bepaal. Ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik, is ‘n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp gevolg, bestaande uit beide korrelasionele en kriteriumgroep-komponente. Die ondersoekgroep het 494 graad 8-leerders van tien Vrystaatse skole ingesluit. Meetinstrumente het bestaan uit ‘n selfsaamgestelde biografiese en substansgebruikvraelys, ‘n geselekteerde subskaal van die Substansmisbruik Subtiele Sifting Inventaris vir Adolessente (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory for Adolescents, SASSI-A2) (Miller & Lazowski, 2001) en die Hersiene Coping Skema Inventaris (Revised-Coping Scheme Inventory, R-CSI) (Wong, Reker, & Peacock, 2006). Daar is bevind dat twee copingstrategieë, naamlik passief-emosionele en aktief-emosionele coping, as statisties beduidende voorspellers vir substansmisbruiksimptome kan dien. Die aktief-emosionele copingstrategie het ‘n beskermende rol gespeel, terwyl die passief-emosionele copingstrategie die risiko vir substansmisbruik verhoog het. Met betrekking tot etniese verskille, het wit en swart adolessente beduidend verskil in die voorkoms van substansmisbruiksimptome, waar swart adolessente ‘n hoër voorkoms gerapporteer het. Daar is verder bevind dat adolessente in die Vrystaat verskeie substanse gebruik, waar die gebruik en oormatige gebruik van alkohol veral ‘n hoë voorkoms toon. Etnisiteit het ook ‘n invloed gehad op die gebruik van copingstrategieë. Onderskeidelik het wit adolessente meer gebruik gemaak van situasionele copingstrategieë en coping deur betekenisvorming teenoor kleurling en swart adolessente. Swart adolessente het egter meer sosiale ondersteuning as copingstrategie gebruik teenoor kleurling adolessente. Die resultate beklemtoon dat coping wel ‘n rol speel in die voorkoms van substansmisbruik, alhoewel dit in hierdie studie slegs ‘n klein persentasie van die totale variansie verklaar het. Gebaseer op die resultate word daar voorgestel dat intervensieprogramme fokus op die ontwikkeling van emosionele regulerende eienskappe van die adolessent. Verdere navorsing kan ook ondersoek instel in die kontekstuele veranderlikes wat die emosionele regulering van ‘n adolessent beïnvloed.afAdolescenceTeenagers -- Drug use -- South Africa -- Free StateDrug abuse -- South Africa -- Free State -- ForecastingAdjustment (Psychology) in adolescenceEthnicityCopingDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2012Substance abuseCoping as voorspeller van die risiko vir substansmisbruik by adolessenteDissertationUniversity of the Free State