Bezuidenhout, HannemarieNel, KerneelsNel, Mariejie2017-09-062017-09-062004Bezuidenhout, H., Nel, K., & Nel, M. (2004). Developing national standards for the accreditation of undergraduate medical education and training in South Africa. Acta Academica, 36(3), 172-181.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) In this study, quality assurance and accreditation in higher education were investigated, and standards for the self-evaluation of medical schools and the accreditation of medical education in South Africa were identified. A literature study formed the basis for the investigation, while the Delphi technique was used for the empirical study. A set of 110 standards was compiled, comprising both absolute standards and standards aimed at encouraging development. The standards are suitable for verifying the quality of education, for use as a lever for change and reform and for reference as principles guiding quality assurance. This study will facilitate the attainment of the dual goal of the accreditation process, namely to guarantee the quality of educational offerings to all users and concerned bodies, and to promote the enhancement of academic standards.Afrikaans: Gehalteversekering en akkreditering in hoëronderwys is ondersoek en standaarde vir selfevaluering in mediese skole en vir die akkreditering van mediese onderwys in Suid-Afrika is daargestel. ’n Literatuurstudie het die grondslag van die studie gevorm en die Delphi-tegniek is vir die empiriese ondersoek gebruik. ’n Stel van 110 standaarde, bestaande uit absolute standaarde en standaarde wat ontwikkeling ten doel het, is saamgestel. Die standaarde is geskik vir die verifiëring van die gehalte van onderwys, kan gebruik word as ’n instrument om verandering teweeg te bring en kan geld as beginsels wat gehalteversekering rig. Hierdie studie sal die bereiking van die tweeledige doel van akkreditering, naamlik om die gehalte van onderwys te waarborg en om akademiese standaarde uit te bou, fasiliteer.enMedical educationAccreditationHigher educationMedical schoolsStandard of educationMedical professionDeveloping national standards for the accreditation of undergraduate medical education and training in South AfricaArticleUniversity of the Free State