Kellerman, J. S.Van Zyl, H. C.Keta, Tsotetsi David2017-05-302017-05-302003-06 The subject spirituality is very popular in these days. There are different ways in which people try to give a definition to it. Some people see it as a personal feeling in his inner-most, which we consider as too narrow. Other scholars see it as something pertaining to a particular way of life, which is too one-sided. In this study we try to show how the subject spirituality is comprehensive and embraces the whole life of a person before God. In the history of the church we encounter moments when certain teachings were held so high as if that would constitute the whole teaching of the Bible. The rescue from this pitfall was brought about by the Reformation of the sixteenth century when people returned to the Bible. A scramble to Africa came also with the spread of Christianity. The carriers of the message were not all people of the same stock and also their motives were not the same - there were gospel missionaries, travellers, traders and also imperialists. Amidst all these competing streams there was a not so clear understanding of the cultures of the nationals with the result that there appeared to be tension between culture and Christianity. This study highlights some of these cultural aspects in order to enlighten the church so that it will devise ways of bringing the gospel holistically. African spirituality needs be informed of reformation spirituality as entailed in both Testaments of Scripture. In this study the ministry of the apostle Paul is taken as a case study for both the preacher and his flock, especially Philippians. Suggestions are given to the preacher as to how he can enhance his ministry.Afrikaans: Die onderwerp spiritualiteit is baie popuier vandag. Daar is verskillende maniere van hoe die mense dit probeer definieer. Sommige sien dit as 'n persoonlike innerlike gevoel - en dit is vir ons teĀ· skraal. Ander sien dit as iets wat net betrekking het op 'n spesifieke manier van lewe, en dit is te eensydig. En hierdie studie probeer ons om te wys dat spiritualiteit alles omvattend is vir mens se lewe voor God. En die geskiedenis van die kerk kryons momente waar sekere leerstel1ings benadruk is as of dit alleen die hele Bybelse leer is. Die Reformasie van die sestiende eeu het bevryding vanuit hierdie stuk gebring toe die mense weer na die Bybel teruggekom het. Die stroming van mense na Afrika het saam gekom met die verspreiding van Christendom. Die draers na die evangelie boodskap was nie almal mense van dieselfde soort nie, en so was hulle motiewe ook nie dieselfde nie - hulle was sendelinge, reisigers, handelaars en ook imperialiste. Onder hierdie strominge was daar nie duidelike begrip van die kultuur van die inboorlinge nie met die gevolg dat daar' spanning gewees het tussen die kultuur en christenskap. Die studie toon hierdie kulturele aspekte aan met die oog op die kerk sodat hy sy boodskap holisties kan verkondig. Die Afrika .spiritualiteit benodig die refonnatoriese spiritualiteit soos verstaan uit die Ou- en Nuwe Testament. In hierdie studie word die bediening van die apostel Paulus voorgehou as voorbeeld vir die prediker en sy kudde. Later word suggesties gegee van hoe hy sy bediening aantreklik kan maak.enChurch FathersCultureDeathDiviningEarly ChurchEcumenicalismEvangelicalismGreek FathersGroup-workHealingHumanismHuntingIllnessLifeLobolaMarriageMethodismMonastic SpiritualityMysticismPhilosophy of educationPietismPossession by the spiritPreacherProtestantsReformationReligionRevelationSpiritualityStokvelTabooTotemTraditionWorld ViewBlacks -- ReligionBlack theologyThesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2003The spirituality of a preacher in African context : reflections from the life and ministry of the apostle PaulThesisUniversity of the Free State