Kotze, C. J.Joubert, Rene2018-02-022018-02-022004http://hdl.handle.net/11660/7775English: Article 1: Alcoholism seldom affects just one aspect of a person's life. It also becomes the educator's problem when its effects emerge in learners. Severe alcohol intake is associated with a variety of neurological and behaviour patterns. Alcoholism affects that part of the brain which deals with emotion, memory, co-ordination and learning motivation. The aim of this research is to investigate the symptoms of alcohol abuse through the use of selected information, as well as the effect it has on the child. The example set by the parents and domestic conditions have a significant influence on the child. The inadequacy of dependable learning structures may result in behaviour problems. The genetic composition of an individual may cause an imbalance of the brain which increases the susceptibility of alcohol dependency. The result of alcohol abuse on the child includes among others, physical defects in children. Foetal alcoholic syndrome (FAS) is the direct result of the mothers's alcohol intake during pregnancy. The defects caused by FAS in children is irreversible. These children show, even up to fourteen years later, clear signs of retarded growth and development. The brain of the FAS victim stops developing at the age of eight years. Mental incompetence, a low IQ, serious learning problems and weak academic performance are observed in these children. Psychologically there are very few areas that are not affected by alcohol abuse. Disturbance during the prenatal stage of the foetus may lead to specific personality traits which may be susceptible to alcohol abuse. The abuse of alcohol by the parent can affect the learner's academic performance negatively. These learners form a high risk group for developing learning problems. The emotional effect on children of alcoholics are severe. Such learners with feelings of grief, fear, rage and despair isolate themselves. They are exposed to intense emotional tension. In the Luckhoff district alcohol abuse has become a social phenomenon among the coloured community which should be urgently addressed. Article 2: The destructive phenomenon, alcohol abuse, poses a serious threat for the individual and the community. When a mother abuses alcohol while she is pregnant, the toxic matter reaches the foetus through the bloodstream of the mother. Thus the baby can get foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The influence of FAS can be divided into two categories, namely, alcohol related birth defects and alcohol related neurological defects. By means of an empirical investigation the correlation between the parental alcohol abuse in the Luckhoff district and the influence it has on the scholastic achievements of the children of such parents was investigated. The experimental group consisted of 30 learners from grade 4 to 6, between the ages 9 and 14. To estimate the standard of academic progress a selection of standardised tests were used on the learners. Over a period of a year auditory diagnostic tests were conducted. The South African Police Service has a record of all alcohol related crimes and cases. The local Health Clinic documents all the cases reported and treated where alcohol played a part over a period of a month. A self-structured questionnaire was completed by the learners, parents and educators of the learners concerned. The academic progress of the learners was closely monitored for a year. The findings and conclusions made from the data confirm that the parental abuse of alcohol seriously affects the learners academic progress. All the learners involved in the experiment showed serious deficiencies in respect of reading, spelling and mathematics. These learners also showed deficiencies regarding their receptive command of language and most of them were unable to read or understand questions of the ASAT IQ test. The academic performance of these learners is a cause for great concern. Educators indicated that the performance of these learners ranges form below average to weak. None of these learners performed above average. Most of the parents (living in the Luckhoff district and mainly Afrikaans-speaking) acknowledged that they abused alcohol regularly and that it was always available in their homes. Their domestic affairs are also influenced by alcohol. There are often fights and arguments caused by the misuse of alcohol. As many as 57, 1 % of the mothers used alcohol during pregnancy. This investigation indicates that alcohol abuse by die parenUs plays an important role in the academic performance of such learners. These learners are academically disadvantaged as a result of ther parents' alcohol abuse. Eventually they may become handicapped academically unless their needs are met with the necessary support and guidance. It is important that the parents are alerted to the fact that their alcholism causes problems for their c.hildren and that their academic progress will be weak as a result. Furthermore, it is important that steps should be taken to address this serious problem.Afrikaans: Artikel 1: Alkoholisme affekteer selde net een aspek van 'n persoon se lewe. Di! word opvoeders se probleem wanneer die uitwerking daarvan by leerders voorkom. Hewige alkoholinname word geassosieer met 'n verskeidenheid neurologiese en gedragsprobleme. Dit affekteer dele van die brein wat te doen het met emosie, leer, geheue, ko6rdinasie en leermotivering. Die doel van die ondersoek was om aan die hand van geselekteerde bronne ondersoek in te stel na die simptome van alkoholmisbruik sowel as die uitwerking daarvan op die kind. Die voorbeeld wat die ouers stel en die huislike omstandighede het 'n betekenisvolle invloed op die kind. Die ontoereikende aktualisering van opvoedingstrukture mag lei tot gedragsprobleme by die kind. Die genetiese samestelling van 'n persoon mag 'n wanbalans in die brein veroorsaak wat die vatbaarheid vir alkoholafhanklikheid kan verhoog. Die gevolge van alkoholmisbruik op . die kind self, sluit onder andere fisiese gebreke by kinders in. Fetale Alkoholsindroom (FAS) is die direkte gevolg van die moeders se inname van alkohol tydens hul swangerskap. Die gebreke wat by kinders voorkom wat aan FAS ly, is onomkeerbaar. Hierdie kinders loon, selfs tot veertien jaar later tekens van vertraagde groei en ontwikkeling. Slagoffers van FAS se brein hou op die ouderdom van agt jaar op om te ontwikkel. Verstandelike geremdheid, 'n lae IK, ernstige leerprobleme en swak skolastiese vordering word by die kinders waargeneem. Op psigologiese vlak is daar min dimensies van die mens wat nie deur alkoholverslawing aangetas word nie. 'n Versteuring in die prenatale stadium van die fetus kan lei tot spesifieke persoonlikheidstrekke wat die ontvanklikheid vir alkoholisme kan verhoog. Die alkoholmisbruik van die ouer be"invloed die akademiese prestasie van die leerder negatief. Hierdie kinders vorm 'n hoe risikogroep vir die ontwikkeling van leerprobleme. Die emosionele uitwerking op die kinders van alkoholiste is ook ernstig. Sulke kinders met hul gevoelens van pyn, vrees, woede en hartseer isoleer hulself dikwels. Hulle word blootgestel aan intense emosionele spanning. In die Luckhoff-distrik het alkoholmisbruik 'n sosiale verskynsel onder die Kleurlinggemeenskap geword wat drasties aangespreek behoort te word. Artikel 2: Die destruktiewe fenomeen, alkoholmisbruik hou 'n ernstige bedreiging in vir 'n gemeenskap sowel as die indiwidu. Wanneer 'n moeder alkohol misbruik terwyl sy swanger is, bereik die toksiese stowwe die fetus deur die bloedstroom van die moeder. Sodoende kan Fetale Alkoholsindroom (FAS) by die baba voorkom. FAS word in twee kategoriee verdeel, naamlik: alkoholverwante geboorteafwykings en neurologiese afwykings. Deur middel van 'n empiriese ondersoek is die korrelasie tussen die alkoholmisbruik van die ouers in die Luckhoff-distrik en die invloed wat dit op die skolastiese vordering van hulle kinders het, ondersoek. Die navorsingsgroep het uit 'n groep van 30 leerders van graad 4 tot 6, tussen die ouderdom van 9 - 14 jaar bestaan. Om die standaard van akademiese vordering te bepaal, is verskeie gestandaardiseerde toetse op die leerders gedoen. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is verskeie ouditiewe diagnostiese toetse op die leerders uitgevoer. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens hou rekord van alle alkoholverwante misdaadgevalle. Die plaaslike Ges.ondheidskliniek dokumenteer weer alle aangemelde en behandelde gevalle waar alkohol vir 'n periode !anger as 'n maand 'n rol gespeel he!. Selfgestruktureerde vraelyse is deur die leerders, ouers en onderwysers van die betrokke leerders voltooi. Die skolastlese vordering van die leerders is oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar noukeurig gemonitor. Die bevindinge en afleidlnge wat gemaak is uit die data, bevestig dat die leerders akademies ernstig geraak Is deur die alkoholmisbruik van hulle ouers. Al die betrokke leerders wat in die ondersoekgroep gebruik is, het ernstige agterstande ten opsigte van lees, spel en wiskunde getoon. Leerders het ook groot agterstande getoon ten opsigte van hulle reseptiewe taalvermoe en die meeste was ook nie in staat om die vrae van die ASAT-Groep IK-toets te verstaan of te interpreteer nie. Die akademiese prestasie van hierdie leerders blyk kommerwekkend te wees. Opvoeders het aangedul dat al hierdle leerders vanaf ondergemlddeld tot swak presteer. Geeneen van die leerders het bogemlddeld presteer nie. Die meeste van die ouers (wonende In die Luckhoff-distrik en Afrikaanssprekend) het bevestig dat hulle alkohol gereeld oormatig gebruik en dat daar gereeld alkohol in hul huise beskikbaar is. Hulle huishoudinge word dikwels deur alkohol be"invloed. Daar kom ook dikwels rusies en struweling voor as gevolg van alkoholmisbruik. Van die moeders in die ondersoekgroep het 57, 1 % alkohol misbruik tydens hulle swangerskap. Die navorsing het aangedui dat die misbruik van alkohol deur die ouer(s) we! 'n uiters belangrike rol speel in die skolastiese vordering van die betrokke leerders. Hierdie kinders is akademies geremd as gevolg . van hul ouers se alkoholmisbruik. Hulle sal akademies uiteindelik leergestremd wees, tensy na hul behoeftes omgesien word deur die nodige bystand en leiding. Dit is belangrik dat ouers daarvan bewus gemaak sal word dat hul alkoholisme probleme vir hul kinders veroorsaak en dat hul akademiese vordering swak sal wees as gevolg daarvan. Dit is verder noodsaaklik dat die nodige stappe geneem sal word om hierdie ernstige probteem aan te spreek.afFoetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)AlcoholismDrugsDrug abusePhysical growthSocial developmentAffective developmentBirth defectsAlcoholPhysical developmentCognitive developmentLearning disabilitiesBirth defectsNeurological disturbancesAcademic prestigeChildren of prenatal alcohol abuse -- DevelopmentChildren of prenatal substance abuse -- EducationLearning disabilitiesDissertation (M.Ed. (Psychology of Education))--University of the Free State, 2004Alkoholmisbruik van die ouer(s) as bydraende oorsaak van skolastiese geremdheid by graad 4- tot 6-leerders in die Luckhoff-distrikDissertationUniversity of the Free State