Louw, L. P.Ramokgopa, Molesane Lynette2017-11-032017-11-032000http://hdl.handle.net/11660/7400English: Bantu Education set up a separate system of education for black children, which disadvantaged them in the provision of resources. While this led to the 1976 resistance to Bantu Education, it also led to the decline in the culture of teaching and learning in schools. After 1994 the new government began the process of creating one single education department from 17 separate ones and of redressing the inequalities that had existed for so long. This research examines the nature and causes of high failure rates in Grade 12 in the Northern Province. It also discloses the lack of resources prevailing in the schools and the effects of these poor resources. Loss of school days due to boycotts, strikes, late registration, meetings held during school hours and absenteeism is also disclosed by this research. Parental disinterest in the education of their children coupled with failure to integrate the school in the local community, poverty, illiteracy, absence of parents from home and unemployment, were disclosed by this research to be among the contributory factors towards high failure rates. An attempt was further made by this research to disclose the staff-related problems such as poor salaries, lack of evaluation, lack of promotional opportunities, male dominated appointments into promotion posts and lack of training opportunities as further contributory factors. Although not all solutions can be provided by this research, it ends with the presentation of the recommendations towards addressing the problem of high failure rates in Grade 12 in the Northern Province by means of a holistic approach.Afrikaans: Bantoe Onderwys het In afsonderlike sisteem vir swart kinders opgestel, wat hulle benadeel het t.o.v. die verskaffing van hulpmiddels. Terwyl dit gelei het tot die 1976 verset teen Bantoe Onderwys, het dit ook gelei tot In agteruitgang in die kultuur van onderwys en studie in skole. Na 1994 het die nuwe regering 'n proses begin om een enkele Onderwys Departement daar te stel, in die plek van 17 verskillendes, en ook die ongelykhede wat so lank bestaan het aan te spreek. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die aard en oorsaak van die hoë druipsyfer in Graad 12 in die Noordelike Provinsie. Dit lê ook die gebrek van hulpmiddele wat in skole heers bloot, asook die uitwerking van die swak hulpmiddele. Verlore skool dae as gevolg van staking, boikotte, laat registrasie, vergaderings gedurende skoolure en afwesigheid, word ook onthul deur die navorsing. Ouers se onbetrokkenheid in die opleiding van hulle kinders gekoppel aan die gebrek om die skool en plaaslike gemeenskap te laat inskakel, armoede, ongeletterdheid, afwesigheid van ouers tuis, en werkloosheid, word in die navorsing bloot gelê as deel van die faktore wat bydra tot die hoë druipsyfer. 'n Poging was verder gemaak deur die navorsing, om die personeel-verwante probleme, soos swak salarisse, afwesigheid van evaluasie, beperkte bevorderings geleenthede, manlike oorheersing in die aanstelling van bevorderings poste, en beperkte opleidings geleenthede as verdere bydraende faktore uit te wys. Alhoewel nie alle oplossings deur die navorsing verskaf kan word nie, eindig dit met 'n aanbieding van aanbevelings om die probleem van die hoë druipsyfer in Graad 12 in die Noordelike Provinsie op 'n holistiese wyse te benader.enSchool failure -- South Africa -- Northern ProvinceEducation, Secondary -- South Africa -- Northern ProvinceThesis (Ph.D. (Didactics))--University of the Free State, 2000The high failure rate among learners in grade twelve in the Northern Province: an education perspectiveThesisUniversity of the Free State