Jan, HeystekNyambi, Mandrew2017-08-252017-08-252007Heystek, J., & Nyambi, M. (2007). Section twenty-one status and school governing bodies in rural schools. Acta Academica, 39(1), 226-257.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6669English: Awarding section twenty-one status to schools in South Africa was hailed as a significant milestone towards the democratisation and functioning of schools in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence on the school governing bodies in rural schools of the allocation of the section twenty functions by the provincial government’s member of the Executive Committee (MEC). A case study involving three types of schools, for instance a moving school, a stationary school as well as a promenading school, was conducted in Bushbuckrigde. It emerged from the findings of the case study that many SGBs were not coping with the functions thrust upon them because of lack of skills and involvement. As a result the bulk of the duties and responsibilities that they are supposed to carry out are performed by the principals and educators.Afrikaans: Die toekenning van artikel 21-status aan skole in Suid-Afrika is beskou as ’n belangrike stap in die proses van demokratisering en verbetering van skole. Die doel van die navorsing was om die invloed op die funksionering van beheerliggame in plattelandse skole te bepaal ten opsigte van die toekenning van artikel 21-funksies aan die skole deur die lid van die provinsiale regering se Uitvoerende Raad (LUR). Drie tipes skole, naamlik ’n stagnerende skool, ’n statiese skool en ’n ontwikkelende skool in die Bushbuckridge-gebied in Mpumalanga was deel van die gevallestudie. Uit die navorsing is dit duidelik dat die beheerliggame moeite ondervind om die funksies uit te voer weens ’n gebrek aan vaardighede en betrokkenheid. Die gevolg is dat die meeste van die funksies steeds deur die hoof of onderwysers verrig moet word.enSchool governing bodiesRural schools, South AfricaMoving schoolStationary schoolPromenading schoolProfessional school managementSection twenty-one status and school governing bodies in rural schoolsArticleUniversity of the Free State