Bester, C. L.Hay, D.Pienaar, Jacobus Willem2015-11-112015-11-112005-062005-062005-06 The careers of academic staff in South Africa - as in the rest of the world - are under tremendous pressure for various reasons, and a decline in the image and status associated with an academic career can even be observed. However, no academic institution can be totally successful without qualified and loyal academics. Higher education institutions - more than any other type of organisation - are dependent on the intellectual and creative abilities of academic staff, as well as their commitment, since it is difficult to replace their knowledge, skills and experience. These qualities can only be acquired over a long period of time and with experience. It is evident that there will be an increasing shortage of academic staff within South African higher education institutions in the future, due to factors such as more attractive options in other business sectors. If the career dilemmas of academic staff are not identified and addressed, the quality and sustainability of higher education institutions may be jeopardised. In view of the above-mentioned, the purpose of this study was to investigate the typical career dilemmas of academic staff during the early, middle and late career phases within a changing South African higher education institution. Aspects related to job dissatisfaction were used as indicators in this study in order to identify and explain career dilemmas. Career dilemmas are associated with high levels of job dissatisfaction and work stress, and imply aspects such as reduced commitment to the organisation, declining psychological and physical health, problematic interpersonal work relations and lower work quality. Lifespan and career development tasks during the different adult lifespan phases were therefore used in this regard to explain the phenomenon of career dilemmas further. The different aspects that influence the job satisfaction of academic staff in a changing higher education work environment were subsequently identified and discussed. In view of the nature of this study and the type of problem that was investigated, a qualitative research design was used. Ninety-three academic staff members were selected on the basis of age, gender and race from a higher education institution, by means of an occasional random sample. The data was obtained by means of a Delphi-process in order to identify the career dilemmas of academics during the early, middle and late career phases. The results obtained in this study indicate that academics generally experience the same career dilemmas, irrespective of the career phase they are in. The prominent career dilemmas of academics centre mostly on the absence of a performance evaluation system that correctly and equitably reflects their performance, input and responsibilities. Limited opportunities for promotion, as well as the absence of a clear set of criteria or guidelines according to which promotion takes place, were identified as a further significant dilemma. The absence of promotion criteria contributed towards the incidence of discrimination and double standards. Role overload and/or role conflict, as well as an inadequate financial remuneration structure, were regarded as prominent career dilemmas throughout. Academics also identified aspects indicating job insecurity and ineffective management as dilemmas. Certain forms of discrimination were also identified as career dilemmas by some black and female academics. Academics in the early career phase in particular regarded inadequate support in the performance of core activities - with specific reference to teaching and research - as a further significant career dilemma. The dominant career dilemmas of academics identified in this investigation show numerous similarities with the career dilemmas of academics identified in other national and international studies. The dilemma the academic career and higher education is probably facing is illustrated further by the fact that several of the academics employed at this institution indicated their uncertainty about continuing their careers at the institution concerned, and that several of them even gave strong indications that they will probably be leaving the institution. In order to effectively address the career dilemmas experienced by academics, higher education institutions will have to devote particular attention to establishing an effective performance management system that is easy to understand and implement, as well as transparent, equitable and fair. Promotion criteria must be spelled out clearly and applied consistently. Alternative career paths that accommodate individual preferences and abilities and create additional promotion opportunities may also be considered as a solution. Furthermore, it is important that remuneration for academics should be market-related and competitive. It must be ensured that junior colleagues receive adequate support with regard to teaching, research and community service by means of training opportunities, regular feedback, mentorship’s and counselling that addresses identified needs. Finally, it is important that academics functioning in management positions possess appropriate management qualifications and receive the necessary training and support to enable them to effectively perform their management role. The effective management of diversity and cultural sensitisation should also be addressed on a continuous basis.Afrikaans: Die loopbane van akademiese personeel verkeer wêreldwyd, asook in Suid -Afrika, vanweë ‘n verskeidenheid redes onder geweldige druk. Daar is selfs ‘n agteruitgang in die beeld en status verbonde aan ‘n akademiese loopbaan te bespeur. Sonder gekwalifiseerde, lojale akademici kan geen akademiese instansie egter ten volle suksesvol wees nie. Hoëronderwysinstellings is meer as enige organisasie van die intellektuele en kreatiewe vermoëns, asook verbintenis van akademiese personeel afhanklik, aangesien dit moeilik is om die kennis, vaardighede en ervaring wat oor baie jare opgedoen is, van akademiese personeel te vervang . Dit blyk dat daar in die toekoms ‘n toenemende tekort aan akademiese personeel binne Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwysinstellings mag wees, vanweë onder meer aantrekliker moontlikhede in ander besigheidsektore. Indien die loopbaandilemmas van akademiese personeel nie geïdentifiseer en aangespreek word nie, mag dit waarskynlik die kwaliteit en volhoubaarheid van hoëronderwysinstellings in gedrang bring. Die doel van hierdie studie was gevolglik om ondersoek in te stel na die tipiese loopbaandilemmas van akademiese personeel tydens die vroeë-, middel- en laatloopbaanfases binne ‘n veranderende Suid- Afrikaanse hoëronderwysinstelling. Aspekte wat met werksontevredenheid verband hou, is as aanwysers gebruik om loopbaandilemmas te identifiseer en toe te lig. Loopbaandilemmas word met hoë vlakke van werksontevredenheid en werkstres geassosieer en veronderstel onder meer aspekte soos verlaagde organisasieverbintenis, verlaagde geestes- en fisieke gesondheid, problematiese interpersoonlike werkverhoudinge en ‘n afname in die kwaliteit van werk. In aansluiting hierby is lewensloopontwikkelings- en loopbaanontwikkelingstake gedurende die onderskeie volwasselewensloopfases aangewend om die verskynsel van loopbaandilemmas verder toe te lig. Hierna is die verskillende aspekte wat die werkstevredenheid van akademiese personeel in ‘n veranderende hoëronderwyswerksomgewing, beïnvloed geïdentifiseer en bespreek. Gesien in die lig van die aard van die studie en die tipe probleem wat ondersoek is is daar van ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak. Drie-en-negentig akademiese personeellede is deur middel van ‘n geleentheidsteekproef op grond van ouderdom, geslag en ras vanuit ‘n hoëronderwysinstelling geselekteer. Die data is deur middel van ‘n Delphi-proses bekom, ten einde die loopbaandilemmas van akademici tydens die vroeë-, middel- en laatloopbaanfases te identifiseer. Die resultate wat bekom is, dui daarop dat die loopbaandilemmas van akademici meestal ongeag die betrokke loopbaanfase dieselfde blyk te wees. Die prominente loopbaandilemmas van akademici sentreer veral rondom die afwesigheid van ‘n prestasie-evalueringsisteem, wat prestasie, insette, asook verantwoordelikhede korrek en billik reflekteer. Min geleenthede tot bevordering, asook die afwesigheid van ‘n duidelike stel kriteria of riglyne waarvolgens bevordering plaasvind , is as ‘n verdere belangrike dilemma geïdentifiseer. Die afwesigheid van bevorderingskriteria het daartoe bygedra dat diskriminasie en dubbele standaarde voorkom. Roloorlading en/of rolkonflik, asook ‘n ontoereikende finansiële vergoedingstruktuur, is deurgaans as prominente loopbaandilemmas beskou. Aspekte wat op werksonsekerheid en oneffektiewe bestuur dui, is ook deur akademici as dilemmas aangedui. Sekere vorme van diskriminasie is ook deur sommige swart en vroulike akademici as loopbaandilemmas geïdentifiseer. Dit is veral akademici in die vroeë loopbaanfase wat onvoldoende ondersteuning in die uitvoering van kernaktiwiteite , met spesifieke verwysing na onderrig en navorsing, as ‘n verdere belangrike loopbaandilemma bestempel het. Die dominante loopbaandilemmas van akademici wat in hierdie ondersoek geïdentifiseer is, toon talle ooreenkomste met die loopbaandilemmas van akademici wat in ander nasionale en internasionale studies aangetoon word. Die dilemma waarin die akademiese loopbaan en hoër onderwys hul waarskynlik bevind, word voorts geïllustreer deurdat talle van die akademici verbonde aan hierdie instelling aangedui het dat hulle onseker voel of hulle, hulle loopbaan aan die betrokke instelling wil voortsit en dat talle selfs sterk aanduidings gegee het dat hulle waarskynlik die instelling sou verlaat. IX Ten einde die loopbaandilemmas wat akademici ervaar effektief aan te spreek, sal hoëronderwysinstellings veral aandag moet skenk aan die daarstelling van ‘n effektiewe prestasiebestuurstelsel, wat maklik verstaanbaar, implementeerbaar en deursigtig, asook billik en regverdig is. Bevorderingskriteria moet duidelik uitgespel en konsekwent toegepas word. Alternatiewe loopbaanpaaie om vir individuele voorkeure en vermoëns voorsiening te maak en wat addisionele bevorderingsgeleenthede skep, mag ook as ‘n oplossing beskou word. Dit is verder belangrik dat akademici markverwant en kompeterend vergoed word. Daar moet toegesien word dat junior kollegas genoeg ondersteuning met betrekking tot onderrig, navorsing en gemeenskapsdiens deur middel van opleidingsgeleenthede, gereelde terugvoer, mentorskappe en voorligting wat geïdentifiseerde behoeftes aanspreek, ontvang. Laastens is dit belangrik dat akademici wat in bestuursposisies funksioneer, oor toepaslike bestuurskwalifikasies, opleiding en ondersteuning beskik om hulle in staat te stel om hulle bestuusrol effektief uit te voer. Die doeltreffende bestuur van diversiteit en kulturele sensitisering behoort op ‘n deurlopende basis aandag te ontvang.afThesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2005College teachers -- South AfricaCareer developmentJob stressJob satisfactionAdult career phasesLifespan development tasksHigher education work environmentCareer dilemmasLoopbaandilemmas van akademiese personeel binne 'n veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwyswerksomgewingThesisUniversity of the Free State