Drijepondt, H. L. F.Coetzee, Dirk Jacobus2018-05-072018-05-071985-06http://hdl.handle.net/11660/8243This treatise has as its aim the stylistic-structural analysis of some of the poems of one of the most renowned poets of the Augustan era, viz. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. The poems that are analysed are those in the first volume (i.e. books I-III) wherein the advice is given to pick the harvest of the present day (carpe diem). By virtues of style the ancient writers, in the words of Theophrastus, understood the correct use of the language, clarity, appropriateness and ornateness. By ornateness they understood selecti.on of words, composition of words and figures of style. By concentrating on the frequency and nature of the figures of style that resort under ornateness, an attempt was made to trace the line of tension in the various odes that were analysed. By so doing a more objective and scientific method in detecting the structure in the poems di.scussed was hoped to be reached. Lastly a study was made of the carpe diem-theme and other themes that are linked to it as it is treated in the first volume of odes.afLatin poetry -- History and criticismLatin poetryHorace -- TechniqueDissertation (M.A. (Latin))--University of the Free State, 1985'n Stilisties-strukturele ontleding van enkele paraenetiese odes uit Horatius se eerste bundel met die Carpe Diem-temaDissertationUniversity of the Free State