Pelser, Andre2019-07-122019-07-122006Pelser, A. (2006). The demographic and development landscape of HIV and AIDS in the Free State, South Africa. Acta Academica, Supplementum 1, 339-361.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) Many of the current and expected demographic changes in southern and South Africa are destined to emanate from the influence of HIV and AIDS on the population structure. This article elucidates the most important demographic trends and changes to which the population of the Free State will be subjected over the next few years. Some implications of these changes for human development in the province are also explored. It is argued, inter alia, that an integrated development strategy — one that is mainstreamed with HIV/AIDS prevention and antiretroviral treatment (ART) campaigns — is pivotal as part of a comprehensive response to address the spread and impact of the epidemic in the Free State.Afrikaans: Baie van die huidige en verwagte demografiese veranderinge in Suider- en Suid-Afrika sal onvermydelik voortvloei uit die impak van MIV en Vigs op die bevolkingstruktuur. Die artikel belig die belangrikste demografiese tendense en veranderinge waaraan die bevolking van die Vrystaat in die volgende paar jaar onderworpe sal wees. Enkele implikasies van hierdie veranderinge vir menslike ontwikkeling in die provinsie word ook uitgewys. Daar word onder meer geargumenteer dat ’n geïntegreerde ontwikkelingstrategie — een wat in pas is met die voorkoming van MIV/Vigs en met antiretrovirale behandelingsveldtogte — van kernbelang is as deel van ’n omvattende respons om die verspreiding en impak van die epidemie in die Vrystaat die hoof te bied.enHIV and AIDSFree State, South AfricaDemographicsHuman developmentThe demographic and development landscape of HIV and AIDS in the Free State, South AfricaArticleUniversity of the Free State