Peeters, Leopold2017-09-072017-09-072003Peeters, L. (2003). After theory. Acta Academica,35(1), 1-300587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) In French literary studies the reign of “Theory” has come to an end and its demise has left a void. This article proposes that literary studies be founded on anthropological considerations. In order to justify this approach the insufficiencies of theory are first shown to be rooted in dualistic rationalism. Poetry concerns the whole experience of human beings, and three aspects of their irreplaceable individuality and unity are explored: verbal image, rhythm and voice. Since poetry is essentially human it needs to be studied in an interdisciplinary context.Afrikaans: In Franse literatuurstudie het die heerskappy van “Teorie” tot ’n einde gekom en het daar gevolglik ’n vakuum ontstaan. In hierdie artikel word voorgestel dat literatuurstudie op antropologiese prinsipes gebaseer moet word. Ter begronding van hierdie benadering word eers die tekortkomings van teorie wat wortel in rasionalistiese dualisme aangetoon. Digkuns betref die totaliteit van menswees en drie aspekte van die onvervangbare indiwidualiteit en eenheid van elke mens word verken: verbale beeld, ritme en stem. Aangesien digkuns essensiëel menslik is, moet dit interdissiplinêr bestudeer word.en“Theory”French literary studiesAnthropological considerationsPoetryAfter theoryArticleUniversity of the Free State