Schaap, PieterLuwes, Monica2016-06-142016-06-142013Schaap, P., & Luwes, M. (2013). Learning potential and academic literacy tests as predictors of academic performance for engineering students. Acta Academica, 45(3), 181-214.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) Students who obtain senior certificates in the South African schooling system cannot be assumed to be adequately prepared to meet the demands of tertiary education. This study aims to determine the criterion-related validity of a mathematical proficiency test from the Academic Aptitude Test Battery (AAT-maths), an English language proficiency test (ELSA) and a learning potential test (LPCAT) as predictors of the academic performance of engineering bursary students at tertiary institutions. The findings indicate that these tests have significant criterion-related validity and can improve the likelihood of selecting the most promising bursary students. However, the findings point towards the possibility that the tests or the criterion measure are differentially valid for different race groups.Afrikaans: Daar kan nie bloot aangeneem word dat studente wat in die Suid-Afrikaanse skolestelsel senior sertifikate verwerf het voldoende voorbereid is om aan die eise van tersiêre onderwys te voldoen nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die kriteriumverwante geldigheid van ’n wiskundige vaardigheidstoets wat deel vorm van die Akademiese Aanleg Toets battery (AAT-maths), ’n Engelse taalvaardigheidstoets (ELSA) en ’n leerpotensiaaltoets (LPCAT) as voorspellers van die akademiese prestasie van ingenieursbeursstudente aan tersiêre instellings te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat die toetse beduidende kriteriumverwante geldigheid toon en die kanse verbeter om die mees belowende beursstudente te keur. Die bevindinge dui egter ook op die moontlikheid dat die toetse of die kriteriummaatstaf differensieel geldig is vir verskillende rasgroepe.enHigher educationAcademic Aptitude Test Battery (AAT-maths)English language proficiency test (ELSA)Learning potential test (LPCAT)Academic achievementEngineering studentsLearning potential and academic literacy tests as predictors of academic performance for engineering studentsArticleUniversity of the Free State