Bitzer, MartieMakeka, Marc2022-03-112022-03-112019-10 dissertation emanates from an interest in vast natural landscapes. It proposes an Appreciation centre in the majestic mountains of Semonkong, nestled in the heart of Lesotho. The objective is to design a meaningful place that respects the site with regards to the context, climate, appropriate technology and materials. This will be achieved through the investigation of identity and biophilia. The client is the Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC) which aims to promote sustainable and responsible economic development through tourism. Other objectives of this institution include providing a positive and consistent voice for Lesotho, and encourage tourists to learn more about the destinations they visit in Lesotho. This dissertation has been organized into two main parts which focus on the grounding and making of the project respectively. The first part will identify the aims and problem statements by exploring the topology, morphology, typology and tectonics of the impending design outcome. This part also explores the theoretical grounding leading towards a design methodology. The second part will identify the design development and its synthesis, tectonics and a concluding reflection assessment of the design's success or lack thereof.enDissertation (M.Arch. (Architecture))--University of the Free State, 2019IdentityPatternsBiophiliaLandscape Appreciation CentreMaletsunyane WaterfallNatural environmentLand artLandscape Appreciation Centre: an architectural exploration of identity and genius loci at Semonkong, LesothoDissertationUniversity of the Free State