Taljaard, AnleneBotha, Rikus Christiaan2018-09-112018-09-112017-11http://hdl.handle.net/11660/9285English: The research of this dissertation shows the relevance of prayer in our contemporary context of strikes, drought, and violence against women and children, primarily through the use of the theology of John Calvin and of Karl Barth. Both of these theologians’ point to the transformative nature of prayer, that it is a plea to the Lord to work in our lives through His Spirit in order for His will to become our will. When we pray, we hope on the realization of the kingdom of God, not only in the future of the eschatology, but already in our reality today. It asks for a life of prayer, a life in relationship with the triune God wherein liturgical and ethical action is required and truth and justice is sought above the injustices of this world. Serene Jones suggests that prayer as an action should be applied when dealing with trauma, and proves through this that it is relevant to our current context. The action of prayer allows the individual to stand before God in humility with empty arms that is open to receive the grace, love, and redemption that He has already brought to us, and to which we can respond through a liturgical and ethical life of prayer. It is God who takes the initiative, that enables us to speak through the Holy Spirit to speak to Him. He brings transformation when we approach Him in prayer, since it is in the action of prayer that we come to realize the reality of God's salvation for us through Jesus Christ. It is a love that goes beyond the reality of this world, encouraging us to not only speak differently, but also act differently. It makes a difference to pray, because God's grace and salvation is made new for us each and every day, and also because He walks the path with us every moment of our lives so that we are not caught up in the challenges and injustices of this life, but that we rather stand up for what is right (liturgical and ethical action) and strive, through the Spirit, for a “kingdom life” of gratitude and fidelity towards God, because of the faith that He has given to us through His Son, so that we may address Him in prayer.Afrikaans: Die navorsing soos in hierdie Skripsie weergegee, wys die relevansie van gebed in ons hedendaagse konteks van stakings, droogte en geweld teen vroue en kinders uit deur primêr na die teologie van Johannes Calvyn en Karl Barth te kyk. Beide van hierdie teoloë wys op die transformatiewe aard van gebed, dat dit ʼn uitroepe tot God is om in ons lewens deur Sy Gees te werk sodat Sy wil ook ons wil mag word. Wanneer ons bid hoop ons op die realisering van die koninkryk van God, nie net in die toekoms van die eskatologie nie, maar reeds in hedendaagse realiteit. Dit vra na ʼn lewe van gebed, ʼn lewe in verhouding met die drie-enige God waarin daar liturgies en eties gehandel word en gestrewe word na reg en geregtigheid bo die onreg van die wêreld. Serene Jones stel voor dat gebed as handeling toegepas moet word in die hantering van trauma en bewys hierdeur dat dit relevant is vir ons huidige konteks. Die aksie van gebed laat die individu in nederigheid voor God staan, met leë arms wat oop is om Sy genade, liefde, en verlossing te ontvang wat Hy reeds aan ons gebring het, en waarop ons kan reageer deur ʼn liturgiese en etiese lewe van gebed. Dit is God wat die inisiatief neem, wat ons deur die Heilige Gees in staat stel om Hom aan te kan spreek. Hy bring transformasie wanneer ons Hom nader in gebed omdat dit in die aksie van gebed is dat ons die werklikheid van God se redding vir ons deur Jesus Christus besef. Dis ʼn liefde wat die realiteit van die wêreld te bowe gaan en ons aanspoor om nie net anders te spreek nie, maar ook anders te handel. Dit maak ʼn verskil om te bid omdat God se genade en verlossing elke dag nuut daar vir ons is en omdat Hy saam met ons elke oomblik van ons lewens die pad wil stap sodat ons nie vasgevang sal raak in die uitdagings en ongeregtighede van die lewe nie, maar sal opstaan vir dit wat reg is (liturgiese en etiese handeling) en sal strewe, deur die Gees, vir ʼn “koninkrykslewe” van dankbaarheid en getrouheid teenoor God vir die geloof wat Hy aan ons gegee het deur Sy Seun sodat ons Hom mag aanspreek in gebed.afOrientationPublicTraumaTransformativePetitionObedienceSpiritual careRespondDissertation (M.D. (Constructive and Historical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2017Maak dit 'n verskil as ek bid?- 'n ondersoek na gebed as 'n etiese handeling?DissertationUniversity of the Free State