Van Schoor, J. H.Combrinck, G. P.Nyaba, Mkululi Kaizer2015-10-052015-10-052009-122009-122009-12 Further Education and Training (FET) colleges have the task of educating and training young people for entry into the workplace, for self-employment, for higher education studies and for up skilling and re-skilling competence levels (Nzimande 2009). This means that the FET curricula and their close link to the professional world make it a sector that contributes to most of the training of a sufficiently skilled workforce that would meet the labour market demands. Technical and vocational education and training is essential in this regard because no country can meet its economic and social demands without a skilled work/labour force. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to evaluate the National Education (NATED) Engineering curriculum at the Ezibeleni Engineering Campus to determine whether the curriculum is appropriate in preparing the students sufficiently for a career in engineering opportunities. Certain shortcomings in the NATED curricula are identified in this study and innovations are recommended with the aim of contributing to the establishment of a consistent engineering curriculum which will be able to meet the technological developments and inculcate the skills required in the world of work. With the inception of the new National Certificate (Vocational) (NC (V)) curriculum in 2007 and the phasing out of the NATED curriculum by the end of 2009, more areas for research are created in the FET college sector. Only the future will tell whether the new NC (V) curricula will be an improvement on the NATED curriculum. In an attempt to evaluate the Engineering curriculum and to determine the appropriateness thereof, the researcher employed qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Valuable insights were derived from the literature study which served as a basis for the questions that were asked during the interviews and for the questions that were included in the questionnaire survey that were distributed among the academic staff. By mixing qualitative and quantitative methods the researcher aimed to triangulate the findings from the interviews and the questionnaire survey to enhance the validity and reliability of the study (Maree 2007:80). The findings of the interviews and survey were finally interpreted in terms of responses pertaining to the problem that was investigated. Despite the fact that the NATED curriculum is currently being phased out, critical shortcomings have been identified such as, interalia, the non-alignment of the engineering curriculum with the professional world, theory and practice that are not linked, inability to accommodate apprentices, and non-compliance with the SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) requirements. The study concluded by recommending that FET College engineering programmes should be taken to a new level to make them acceptable to universities, universities of technology and to the industry in South Africa. FET colleges should begin to take the responsibility for arranging work placement for their students. The Department of education, FET colleges and industry should form collaborative partnerships to develop colleges as specialist or niche centres for vocational and technical excellence.Afrikaans: Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO) kolleges het dit ten doel om jong mense op te lei vir toegang tot werkplekke, vir selfwerksaamheid, vir hoërondewysstudies en om vaardighede aan te leer of op te knap tot die nodige bekwaamheidsvlakke (Nzimande 2009:1van1). Dit beteken dat die VOO kurrikulums en hul nou verband met die werkswêreld, dit ‘n sektor maak wat bydra tot die opleiding van ‘n groot groep werkers wat genoegsame vaardighede het om aan arbeidmagsvereistes te voldoen. Tegniese en beroepsopleiding en onderwys is uiters noodsaaklik in die verband, want geen land kan aan sy ekonomiese en sosiale vereistes voldoen sonder ‘n vaardige arbeidsmag nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om die (NASOP) Nasionale Opvoerding Ingenieurswese-kurrikulum te evalueer om die Ezibeleni Ingenieurswese-kampus om vas te stel of die kurikulum toepaslike opleiding verskaf aan studente wat die ingeneursberoep wil betree. Sekere tekortkomings in die NASOP kurrikulum word blootgelê in die studie, en vernuwings word aanbeveel met die doel om ‘n konsekwente ingenieurswese-kurrikulum daar te stel wat studente sal voorberei om voortdurende tegniese ontwikkelings te kan hanteer deur al die nodige vaardighede daartoe aan te leer sodat hulle die beroepswêreld met vertroue kan betree. Met die ingebruikneming van die nuwe NS(B) Nasionale Sertifikaat (Beroeps) kurrikulum in 2007 en die uitfasering van NATED kurrikulums aan die einde van 2009, word meer navorsingsgeleenthede in die VOO kollegegebied geskep. Slegs die toekoms sal bepaal of die nuwe NS(B) kurrikulum ‘n verbetering sal wees op die NASOP kurrikulum. In ‘n poging om die Ingenieurswese-kurrikulum te evalueer en om die toepaslikheid daarvan te bepaal, het die navorser ‘n kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmedologie viii gebruik.Waardevolle insigte het gespruit uit die literatuurstudie wat as basis gedien het vir die vrae wat gedurende die onderhoude gestel is en vir die vrae wat in die vraelysopname, wat aan akademiese personeel verskaf is, ingesluit is. Deur kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes te vermeng, wil die navorser probeer om die bevindinge van die onderhoude en vraelyste te trianguleer om die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die studie te versterk (Maree 2007:80). Die bevindinge van die onderhoude en opname is uiteindelik geïnterpreteer ingevolge die antwoorde wat betrekking het op die probleem wat ondersoek word. Ten spyte daarvan dat die NASOP kurrikulum tans uitgefaseer word, is kritiese tekortkominge geїdentifiseer, soos onder andere die ongerigdheid van die ingenieurswese-kurrikulum wat betref die werksrealiteite; teorie en praktyk wat nie gekoppel is nie; onvermoë om vakleerlinge te akkommodeer, en nie-nakoming van die SAKO(Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie Owerheid) se bepalings. Die studie is afgesluit met ‘n aanbeveling dat die VOO kollege ingenieuwese-programme tot ʼn hoër vlak geneem moet word om hulle aanvaarbaar te maak vir universiteite, universiteite van tegnologie en Suid-Afrikaanse industrieë. VOO kolleges moet verantwoordelikheid begin aanvaar vir die plasing van hul studente. Die onderwysdepartement, VOO kolleges en industrieë moet begin saamwerk om kolleges te ontwikkel tot spesialiserings- of nissentrums beroeps- en tegniese uitnemendheid.enNATED programmesHigher educationFurther education and training actEngineering curriculumNational certificate (vocational)Further education and trainingVocational education and trainingEngineering -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeCurriculum evaluation -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeTechnical education -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape.Dissertation (M.A. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2009An evaluation of the engineering studies curriculum at Ikhala Public Further Education and Training CollegeDissertationUniversity of the Free State