Beukes, R. B. I.Esterhuyse, K. G. F.Erasmus, Mianda2015-09-022015-09-022007-122007-122007-12 Musiek-emosie is ’n baie komplekse fenomeen en alhoewel navorsers nog nie konsensus bereik het oor presies hoe die proses werk nie, is daar genoeg bewyse dat individue wel emosie ervaar in reaksie op musiek en juis vir hierdie rede by musiek betrokke is. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die teoretiese verband tussen musiek en emosie te beskryf na aanleiding van relevante literatuur. Temas wat bespreek word sluit in: begripsbepaling, navorsing oor die onderwerp, emosie en musiek-emosie, die doel van musiek-emosie, emosie: uitlok versus uitdruk, bronne van musiek-emosie, opwekking van musiek-emosie, eienskappe van musiek-emosie en implikasies vir toekomstige navorsing. ’n Vereenvoudigde skematiese voorstelling van die belangrikste komponente in die beskrywing van musiek-emosie word ook gegee.English: Musical emotion is a very complex phenomena and although researchers have not yet reached consensus about exactly how this process works, sufficient proof is available that individuals experience an emotional reaction to music and it is mostly for this reason that they are involved with music. The purpose of this article is to describe the theoretical relationship between music and emotion with reference to relevant literature. The following themes are discussed: defining terms, relevant research, emotion and musical emotion, purpose of musical emotions, emotion: induce versus express, sources of musical emotions, arousal of musical emotions, features of musical emotion and direction for the future. A simplified schematic representation of the most important components involved in describing musical emotions is also given.afMusical emotionArousalSourcesMusic preferenceAttitudeAggressionSex differencesEmotionMusicMusic -- Psychological aspectsPersonality and emotionsCollege students -- Songs and musicDissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2007Die verband tussen aggressie en houding teenoor verskillende musiekgenres by studenteDissertationUniversity of the Free State