Reyneke, R. P.Nortje, Madelein2023-09-142023-09-142022 (Ph.D. (Social Work))--University of the Free State, 2022English: Supervision plays an important role in the efficacy of service rendering and the professional development of social workers. Effective supervision should be grounded in theory and aligned with the national approach to social welfare. In South Africa, the Developmental Approach should be engrained in supervision practices to be aligned with the National welfare approach. Ultimately, supervision must focus on the deliberate development of the social workers to become more competent professionals, and the fundamental goal would be to provide excellent professional services to the service user. The focus of this study was to explore the implementation of supervision using the Developmental Approach, identify good and bad supervision practices, and develop guidelines for appropriate developmental supervision practices. The mixed-method research design (QUAL-quan) was used and involved social workers and supervisors from five provinces in the qualitative phase. During semi-structured interviews, current practices of supervision were explored. The objective of the quantitative phase was to involve more respondents to corroborate the information gathered during the first phase. Unfortunately, the response rate 1for the qualitative phase was extremely low, and the results cannot be generalised. The quantitative information does, however, provide important insights and support the information from the qualitative phase. The findings from the study revealed that supervisors do not use the Developmental Approach during supervision. Various challenges present themselves in the implementation of developmental supervision. The combination of limited conceptualisation of the Developmental Approach in supervision, a lack of knowledge among social workers and supervisors of the Developmental Approach and numerous structural issues in terms of resources and the realities of society hamper the implementation of the Developmental Approach. The study further revealed that, in many instances, the Developmental Approach, the national approach to social services, is not implemented in social work practice. The results show that supervisors carry out supervision without a thorough knowledge and understanding that underpins the theory of supervision, and their actions haphazardly attend to the supervisee's needs. Conducting supervision in this manner will negatively impact the development of the social worker and consequently hamper service delivery. The study resulted in developing guidelines for supervision that will promote the integration of the Developmental Approach in supervision.The aim of the guidelines is to ensure constructive realignment of supervision practices with the national approach to social services. Other recommendations include the following: • Social workers and supervisors must realise that social work is a profession, and that relevant theories should inform their practice. • Social workers and supervisors must have appropriate and professional knowledge of relevant theories, practice models and approaches and refrain from intuitive actions without a proper theoretical foundation when making decisions. • Social workers and supervisors must be proficient in applying theory in practice, and relevant theories, models and approaches should inform all services to service users and supervision of social workers. • Practice standards focusing on outcomes defined in terms of specific skills contributing to the effectiveness of social workers should be implemented. • The outcomes of supervision must be clearly defined according to a framework based on the professional skills required of a social worker. • The implementation of the proposed guidelines should acknowledge the current experience level and the expectations of the social worker. • The expectations of each social worker should be adapted according to the level of experience, and outcomes should promote progressive development. • Accredited training for supervisors should be implemented according to indigenous theories, techniques and approaches that specifically focus on supervision.Afrikaans: Supervisie speel 'n kritieke rol in die doeltreffendheid van dienslewering en die professionele ontwikkeling van maatskaplike werkers. Effektiewe supervisie moet teoreties gefundeerd wees en in lyn wees met die nasionale benadering tot maatskaplike welsyn. In Suid-Afrika behoort die ontwikkelingsgerigtebenadering in supervisiepraktyke ingebed te wees. Uiteindelik moet supervisie fokus op die doelbewuste ontwikkeling van die maatskaplike werkers om meer veerkragtig te word, en die uiteindelike doel sal wees om uitstekende professionele dienste aan die diensgebruiker te bereik. Die fokus van hierdie studie was om die implementering van supervisie vanuit die Ontwikkelingsbenadering te verken, om goeie supervisiepraktyke te identifiseer en om riglyne vir toepaslike ontwikkelingstoesigpraktyke te ontwikkel. Die gemengde-metode navorsingsontwerp (QUAL- quan ) is gebruik en het maatskaplike werkers en supervisors van vyf provinsies in die kwalitatiewe fase betrek. Tydens semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is huidige praktyke van supervisie ondersoek. Die doel van die kwantitatiewe fase was om meer respondente te betrek om die inligting wat tydens die eerste fase ingesamel is, te staaf. Ongelukkig was die responskoers vir die kwalitatiewe fase uiters laag en die resultate kan nie veralgemeen word nie. Die kwantitatiewe inligting verskaf wel belangrike insigte en ondersteun die inligting vanaf die kwalitatiewe fase. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat toesighouers nie die Ontwikkelingsgerigte benadering tydens supervisie gebruik nie. Verskeie uitdagings kom voor in die implementering van ontwikkelingsgerigte supervisie. Die kombinasie van beperkte konseptualisering en 'n gebrek aan kennis onder maatskaplike werkers en supervisors van die Ontwikkelingsbenadering asook talle strukturele kwessies in terme van hulpbronne en die realiteite van die samelewing belemmer die implementering van die Ontwikkelingsgerigte benadering. Die studie het verder aan die lig gebring dat, in baie gevalle, die Ontwikkelingsgerigte benadering, die nasionale benadering tot maatskaplike dienste, nie in maatskaplikewerkpraktyke geïmplementeer word nie. Die resultate toon dat supervisors supervisie doen sonder 'n deeglike kennis en/of begrip van die teorie van supervisie met die gevolg dat hul optrede lukraak in die behoeftes van die toesighouer voorsien. Om supervisie op hierdie wyse te doen, sal die ontwikkeling van die maatskaplike werker negatief beïnvloed en gevolglik dienslewering belemmer. Die studie het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van riglyne vir supervisie wat die integrasie van die Ontwikkelingsgerigte benadering in supervisie sal verseker om beter belyning met die nasionale benadering tot maatskaplike dienste te verseker. Ander aanbevelings sluit in: • Maatskaplike werkers en supervisors moet besef dat maatskaplike werk 'n professie is en hul optrede moet deur relevante teorieë gerig word. • Maatskaplike werkers en supervisors moet uitgebreide kennis van relevante teorieë, praktykmodelle en benaderings hê en hulle weerhou van intuïtiewe optrede wanneer besluite geneem word. • Dit word aanbeveel dat maatskaplike werkers en supervisors vaardig moet wees in die toepassing van teorie in die praktyk en dat alle dienste aan diensgebruikers en toesig oor maatskaplike werkers gerig moet word deur relevante teorieë, modelle en benaderings. • Praktykstandaarde wat fokus op uitkomste gedefinieer in terme van spesifieke vaardighede wat bydra tot die doeltreffendheid van maatskaplike werkers moet geïmplementeer word. • Die uitkomste van supervisie moet duidelik omskryf word volgens 'n raamwerk gebaseer op die professionele vaardighede wat van 'n maatskaplike werker vereis word. • Die implementering van die voorgestelde riglyne moet die huidige ervaringsvlak en die verwagtinge van die maatskaplike werker erken. • Die verwagtinge van elke maatskaplike werker moet aangepas word volgens die vlak van ervaring en uitkomste moet progressiewe ontwikkeling bevorder. • Geakkrediteerde opleiding vir toesighouers moet geïmplementeer word volgens inheemse teorieë, tegnieke en benaderings wat spesifiek op supervisie fokus.enGuidelines for social work supervision from a developmental approachThesisUniversity of the Free State