Gess, Rob2022-11-142022-11-142022Gess, Rob. (2022). Interaction with The Good Ancestor. Acta Academica, 54(1), 154-158. Good Ancestor is a call to arms for an overthrow of an outmoded system and the rise of a radical new order. Drawing at times on metaphors of the liberation of oppressed colonised people, it draws our attention to the latent oppression of the people of the future. These, our descendants, must bear the brunt of the current culture of consumerism – that happily squanders the resources and health of the future, in pursuit of short-term profits and single use pleasures. Like No One is Too Small to make a Difference by Gretta Thunberg it is an unapologetic wake-up call.enThe Good AncestorCommentaryBook reviewRoman KrznaricInteraction with The Good AncestorArticleAuthor(s)