Ferreira, AnnelieKnox, Lizelle2018-01-092018-01-092006-06http://hdl.handle.net/11660/7538English: No evidence of South African research on the assessment of reading strategies could be found. The assessment of reading strategies in Afrikaans medium primary schools in the Free-State was investigated to determine to what extent educators assess reading strategies. The teaching of reading comprehension is closely related to the assessment thereof. The latest research as well as the Learning Area Languages in the Revised National Curriculum Statement show that effective teaching of reading strategies as well as the assessment thereof should be of utmost importance in the Language classroom. Good readers spontaneously use reading strategies to improve reading comprehension. On the other hand research has shown that poor readers do not acquire reading strategies spontaneously and that their reading comprehension suffers accordingly. In the first article, the assessment of various reading strategies, for example the activating of background knowledge, inferences and predictions were critically investigated. Further investigations, for example the use of dictionaries and paraphrasing (write in own words) were also done. In the second article the different types of questions used during assessment of reading comprehension were investigated. The investigation showed that the few assessments of reading strategies are causing concern. The focus is on question types that concentrate on lower order thinking, for example literal comprehension. Learners are seldom exposed to questions that result in higher order thinking for example inferences and critical reading questions. It is therefore recommended that educators assess and teach reading strategies. When reading comprehension is assessed, educators should also use question types that facilitate higher order thinking. The main purpose of teaching reading is to create and develop independent, strategically readers.Afrikaans: Aangesien geen Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing oor die assessering van leesstrategieë gevind kon word nie, is ‘n ondersoek geloods om vas te stel in watter mate opvoeders in Afrikaansmedium primêre skole in die Vrystaat leesstrategieë assesseer. Die onderrig van leesbegrip hou nou verband met die assessering daarvan. Die jongste navorsing, sowel as die assesseringstandaarde van die Leerarea Tale in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring, toon dat effektiewe leesstrategieë onderrig, sowel as geassesseer, moet word. Goeie lesers gebruik spontaan leesstrategieë om die teks beter te verstaan. Daarenteen leer swak lesers nie hierdie leesstrategieë spontaan aan nie en hulle leesbegrip ly daaronder. Tog mag leesbegrip merkbaar verbeter indien leesstrategieë onderrig word. In die eerste artikel word die assessering van die verskeie leesstrategieë, byvoorbeeld die aktivering van agtergrondkennis, die voorspelling van gebeure en die maak van afleidings krities ondersoek. Verdere ondersoeke, soos byvoorbeeld die gebruik van woordeboeke en parafrasering (skryf in eie woorde), is gedoen. In die tweede artikel word die vraagtipes wat gebruik word tydens die assessering van leesbegrip, ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat leesstrategieë kommerwekkend min geassesseer word. Die fokus is ook op vraagtipes wat laer-orde denke stimuleer byvoorbeeld letterlike begripsvrae. Leerders kry dus min blootstelling aan vrae wat hoër-orde denke vereis byvoorbeeld interpreterende leesvrae en kritiese leesvrae. Daar word aanbeveel dat opvoeders leesstrategieë assesseer en dus ook onderrig. Opvoeders behoort ook tydens die assessering van leesbebgrip meer aandag aan vraagtipes te skenk wat hoër-orde denke ontlok. Die hoofdoel van leesonderrig behoort te wees om onafhanklike, strategiese lesers te kweek.afAssessment of reading comprehensionAssessment of reading comprehension strategiesCreative readingCritical readingHigher order thinkingInferencesInterpretationLiteral comprehensionReading strategiesReading (Elementary) -- Ability testingReading comprehension -- Study and teaching (Elementary)Critical readingInferenceDissertation (M.Ed. (Psychology of Education))--University of the Free State, 2006Assessering van leesbegrip in Afrikaansmedium primêre skole in die VrystaatDissertationUniversity of the Free State