NAUDE, Jozua Francois [Tom]2018-06-222018-06-222018PV23 1900-1965; 2 Files; 0,11 Metre.Private papers of J.F. Naude, MP Pietersburg for the NP [1920-1934], UP [1934-1940], NP [1940-1960]; Minister of Posts and Telegraphs [1950-1954], Health [1954-1956], Finance [ 1956-1958], Interior [1958-1961]. When the selected State President Dr. T.E. Donges died in May 1967, Tom Naude was sworn in as Acting State President [1967-1968].afNAUDE, Jozua Francois [Tom]; Inventories; Politicians; National PartyNAUDE, Jozua Francois [Tom] Inventory of documentsOtherUniversity of the Free State