Knoetze, JohannaDe Bruin, Gideon2017-09-122017-09-122001Knoetze, J., & De Bruin, G. (2001). Die verband tussen trekangs, diensjare en posttraumatiese stresversteuring by polisiebeamptes. Acta Academica, 33(2), 168-184.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) In the course of duty, officers of the South African Police Services face highly stressful, life-threatening situations. This article discusses a model in which trait anxiety and years of service were specified as potential predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder. Structural equation modelling produced a satisfactory fit between the model and the observed data. In combination trait anxiety and years of service account for about 30% of the variance in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The article also makes recommendations as to how these results may usefully be applied in order to prevent the development of post-traumatic stress disorder among police officers.Afrikaans: Suid-Afrikaanse polisiebeamptes word in die uitvoering van hulle pligte aan lewensbedreigende en ander buitengewoon traumatiese situasies blootgestel. ’n Model waarin trekangs en aantal diensjare as voorspellers van simptome van posttraumatiese stresversteuring by polisiebeamptes gespesifiseer word, is aan die hand van strukturele vergelykingsmodellering getoets. Die model het ’n bevredigende passing met die waargenome data getoon. Trekangs en aantal diensjare het gesamentlik ongeveer 30% van die variansie in simptome van posttraumatiese stresversteuring verklaar. Enkele aanbevelings oor hoe die bevindings van die studie gebruik kan word om posttraumatiese stresversteuring by polisiebeamptes te voorkom, word gegee.afSouth African Police ServicesPost-traumatic stress disorderPolice officersTrait anxietyDie verband tussen trekangs, diensjare en posttraumatiese stresversteuring by polisiebeamptesArticleUniversity of the Free State