Roets, L.Nel, M. M.Grobler, Lorraine2018-06-142018-06-142002-11 Hypertension is a common problem occurring worldwide in white as well as black persons, and it is a risk factor for various disease conditions such as apoplexy (stroke), which is the second primary cause of death in South Africa. Lifestyle changes are an important component of the prevention and treatment of hypertension, and physiotherapists could make a significant contribution in this regard by implementing exercise as treatment method for hypertensive patients. Due to an insufficient number of physiotherapists in the Free State to render this service, it would be the logical solution to involve persons who have the most patient contact. However, before persons should become involved in patient education, it is necessary to determine their knowledge of and attitude towards exercise as a treatment method for hypertensive patients. A descriptive research design was used in the research and the information was gathered by means of questionnaires and focus group interviews. The data of the focus group interviews were categorised and subdivided into groups and themes according to content, determined by the responses of the respondents. Most nurses displayed a positive attitude towards exercise. Some nurses, however, displayed an uninformed or neutral attitude with uncertainty regarding the prescription and presentation of exercises. The research results demonstrated that nurses are lacking in knowledge regarding the type of exercise to be presented as well as the precautionary measures to be taken during exercise classes. A training programme containing all the necessary information regarding exercise as treatment method for hypertensive patients, is therefore essential. For this purpose guidelines with regard to exercise for hypertensive patients were drawn up.Afrikaans: Hipertensie is 'n algemene probleem wat wêreldwyd voorkom by wit sowel as swart persone en dit is 'n risikofaktor vir verskeie siektetoestande. So is beroerte byvoorbeeld die tweede hoofoorsaak van dood in Suid-Afrika. Lewenstylveranderinge is 'n belangrike komponent van die voorkoming en behandeling van hipertensie en fisioterapeute kan 'n beduidende bydrae in dié verband lewer deur oefening as 'n behandelingsmetode vir hipertensie-pasiënte te implementeer. Aangesien daar te min fisioterapeute in die Vrystaat is om hierdie diens te lewer, is dit 'n logiese oplossing om persone met die meeste pasiëntekontak, naamlik die verpleegkundiges hierby te betrek. Voordat verpleegkundiges egter by pasiënteonderrig betrek word, dit nodig om hul kennis van en houding jeens oefening as 'n behandelingsmetode vir hipertensie-pasiënte te bepaal. 'n Beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is in die navorsing gebruik en die inligting is deur middel van vraelyste en fokusgroeponderhoude ingesamel. Die data van die fokusgroeponderhoude is gekategoriseer en volgens inhoud in groepe en temas onderverdeel, afhangende van die response van die respondente. Die meeste verpleegkundiges het In positiewe houding teenoor oefening getoon. Sommige verpleegkundiges het egter 'n onkundige of neutrale houding geopenbaar met onsekerheid betreffende die voorskryf en aanbieding van oefeninge. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat verpleegkundiges oor gebrekkige kennis van die tipe oefening wat aangebied moet word, asook die voorsorgmaatreëls wat tydens oefenklasse getref moet word, beskik. 'n Opleidingsprogram omtrent oefening as 'n behandelingsmetode vir hipertensiepasiënte, is dus 'n noodsaaklikheid. Vir hierdie doel is riglyne vir 'n opleidingsprogram ten opsigte van oefening aan hipertensie-pasiënte saamgestel.afNurses -- EducationNurses -- AttitudesHypertension -- Exercise therapyDissertation (M.HPE. (Health Professions Education)--University of the Free State, 2002Verpleegkundiges by klinieke in die Vrystaat se kennis van en houding jeens oefening as behandelingsmetode vir hipertensie-pasiënte met die doel om riglyne vir 'n opleidingsprogram daar te stelDissertationUniversity of the Free State