Steÿn, DasVan der Westhuizen, DiaanAtkinson, DoreenBosman, Gerhard2015-09-042015-09-042015 The traditional earth building techniques of South Africans are well documented, but little research reflects the current perceptions of these building materials and techniques. The thesis explores the factors (independent variables) that can be addressed in order to make earth constructed houses in general more acceptable in central areas of South Africa. The thesis draws on data obtained from the SANPAD project (South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) with a household survey (n=1790) from respondents regarding their perceptions and attitudes towards earth construction. Multiple qualitative and quantitative responses were recorded both for and against the use of sun dried earth blocks (adobe). Correlation and regression analyses were used to test for the characteristics (significant variables) that influence the acceptability of earth constructed houses. The findings show that respondents regard traditional earth building materials as inferior. Negative attitudes were found to be linked to the structural performance of unbaked earth materials regarding stability in wet conditions and maintenance. Limited other studies confirmed the low acceptability of traditional earth constructed walls. Regression analysis could not confirm that personal and household characteristics are associated with the housing, context and acceptability characteristics. Correlation analyses confirmed that certain housing characteristics (basic services such as water born toilets connected to sewerage systems, running water and electricity) influence the acceptability of traditional earth constructed houses. Correlation analyses confirmed that context characteristics (location and area types) influence the acceptability of traditional earth constructed houses. Furthermore, the data and literature confirm that the building culture (available material and buildings skills) and upward social mobility together with Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses (with basic services) influence the acceptability of traditional earth constructed housing. The findings concluded that attitudes toward traditional earth construction are more positive in 1) informal urban areas where informal houses do not have access to basic services and 2) rural households where the building culture dictates the norm even without basic services. The effects of conformity, imitation and upward social mobility were confirmed, as stated by the literature and the data. Together with upgraded earth construction techniques (such as cement stabilised compressed earth blocks or bricks) wall components for earth buildings in parts of central South Africa may be more acceptable. The hypothesis is that if the influencing factors on the acceptability of traditional earth constructed housing are known, it can be used in the promotion of contemporary earth construction. The thesis aims to promote contemporary earth construction techniques. This thesis states that the public should be equipped and educated about the importance of preserving existing forms and methods of earth construction, in order to support useful applications within contemporary architecture.Afrikaans: Die tradisionele Suid Afrikaanse grondkonstruksietegnieke is goed gedokumenteer, maar daar is min verwysings na navorsing van huidige sienings oor hierdie boumaterial en -vaardighede. Die proefskrif ondersoek die faktore (onafhanklike veranderlikes) wat aangespreek kan word om grondkonstruksiehuise meer aanvaarbaar in die sentrale gebiede van Suid Afrika te maak. Die proefskrif gebruik die data van die SANPAD-projek (South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) as ’n huishoudelike opname (n=1790), wat respondente se waarnemings en sienings oor grondkonstruksie versamel het. Verskeie kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe reaksies is aangeteken, vir en teen songedroogde stene (adobe). Korrelasie en regressie analises is gebruik om die eienskappe (beduidende veranderlikes) wat die aanvaarbaarheid van grondkonstruksiehuise beinvloed, te toets. Die bevindinge toon dat respondente tradsionele grondkonstruksiemateriale as ondergeskik beskou. Negatiewe houdings hou verband met die strukturele vermoë van ongebakte grondboumateriaal ten opsigte van stabiliteit en onderhoud in nat weersomstandighede. Enkele studies bevestig die lae aanvaarbaarheid van tradisionele grondkonstruksiemure. Regressie analises kon nie die verband tussen persoonlike en huishoudelike eienskappe rakende behuisingkonteks en aanvaarbaarheidseienskappe bevestig nie. Korrelasie analises het bevestig dat behuisingseienskappe (basiese dienste soos toilette verbind aan ’n rioolstelsel, lopende water en elektrisiteit) die aanvaarbaarheid van tradisionele grondkonstruksiehuise beïnvloed. Korrelasie analises het bevestig dat sekere kontekseienskappe (ligging en area tipes) ook die aanvaarbaarheid van tradisionele grondkonstruksiehuise beïnvloed. Verder het die literatuur en data bevestig dat die boukultuur (beskikbare boumateriale en -vaardighede), opwaardse sosiale mobiliteit, tesame met Heropbou-enontwikkelingsprogram (HOP)-huise (met basiese dienste), die aanvaarbaarheid van tradisionele grondkonstruksiehuise beïnvloed. Die gevolgtrekking na aanleiding van die bevindinge is dat sienings meer positief teenoor tradisionele grondkonstruksiehuise is in 1) informele stedelike gebiede waar informele huise geen basiese diense het en 2) landelike huishoudings waar die boukultuur (sonder basiese dienste) as die norm beskou word. Die invloed van gelykvormigheid, nabootsing en opwaardse sosiale mobiliteit, word deur die literatuur en die data bevestig. Saam met opgegradeerde grondkonstruksiemetodes (soos sement gestabiliseerde gekompakeerde grondblokke en –stene) mag muurelemente van grondhuise in sentrale streke van Suid Afrika, meer aanvaarbaar wees. Die hipotese is dat, indien die faktore wat die aanvaarbaarheid van tradisionele grondkonstruksiehuise beïnvloed bekend is, dit aangewend kan word in die bevordering van hedendaagse grondkonstruksie. Die proefskrif poog om hedendaagse grondkonstruksiemetodes te bevorder. Die proefskrif bevestig dat die gemeenskap toegerus en ingelig moet word rakende die bewaringsbelang van bestaande grondkonstruksiemetodes, ten einde die nuttige toepassings binne hedendaagse argitektuur te ondersteun.enThesis (Ph.D. (Architecture))--University of the Free State, 2015Earth buildingTraditional earth constructed housesAcceptabilityUpward social mobilityCompressed earth blocksThe acceptability of earth constructed houses in central areas of South AfricaThesisUniversity of the Free State