Ndeya-Ndereya, C. N.Steyn, Christoffel Mathyss Van As2017-07-182017-07-182017-01http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6491English: The aim of this study was to develop a conceptual model for a flexible undergraduate curriculum structure offered at a higher education institution, using the Appreciative Inquiry theoretical framework. Since 1994 the South African education sector has gone through significant changes. These changes have brought about many challenges in the sector. For instance, massification of higher education has caused higher education institutions to reform their curricula in order to accommodate previously disadvantaged students entering tertiary education. In this way, the South African government has been attempting to redress the social inequalities that had prevailed in the education sector during the apartheid era. One of its efforts has been widening access for a variety of groups in society, in order to increase their participation in the higher education sector. Widening of access should also lead to academic success; however, many students who enter higher education are academically underprepared, even though they meet the minimum admission requirements for higher education studies. They lack basic academic foundation in communication (oral, reading and writing), numeric and literacy skills. These inadequacies are mainly the result of admitting students from rural and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who are not being sufficiently prepared for studying at higher education level when they leave the secondary basic education and further education and training school system, resulting in the creation of a so-called “articulation gap”. An explorative case study was conducted at the Vaal University of Technology to respond to the study’s research question, which was: How may a flexible curriculum structure for an undergraduate programme be designed in order to address the articulation gap between further education and training and higher education? Staff involved in an extended programme of the institution and students who either had gone through the extended programme or were currently in the programme, participated in individual interviews and focus group interviews, respectively. The investigation discovered that the first-year students in the extended programme had diverse needs. It became evident that many students were not only academically underprepared; they were also socially, culturally, emotionally and intellectually underprepared to enter higher education. In this study the design of the proposed conceptual model was based on Tyler’s model for curriculum design that has been used in education since 1947. The Tyler Model identifies and focuses on designing a curriculum that addresses the diverse needs of students. The increase of student numbers in higher education poses challenges to higher education institutions, and research should be conducted into preparing students at secondary school level for higher education demands. Further research is needed to establish how curricula for extended programmes could be reformed to enhance academic success of students, and how to increase the throughput in higher education.Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie was, om met behulp van die teoretiese navorsingsbenadering van waarderende ondersoek, 'n konseptuele model vir 'n buigsame struktuur vir ‘n voorgraadse kurrikulum wat by 'n hoëronderwysinstelling aangebied kan word, te ontwikkel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssektor het sedert 1994 beduidende veranderinge ondergaan. Hierdie veranderinge het tot baie uitdagings in die sektor gelei. Massafikasie van hoër onderwys het onder meer veroorsaak dat hoëronderwys-instellings hulle kurrikula moes hervorm ten einde voorheen akademies benadeelde studente in tersiêre onderwys te akkomodeer. Só poog die Suid-Afrikaanse regering om die maatskaplike ongelykhede wat tydens die apartheidsera in die onderwyssektor geheers het, reg te stel. Een van hul pogings is om toegang vir ‘n verskeidenheid groepe in die samewlewing te verbreed, te einde hulle deelname aan die hoëronderwyssektor te verhoog. Verbreding van toegang moet egter ook lei tot akademiese sukses, maar baie studente wat hoër onderwys betree, is akademies onvoorbereid, selfs al voldoen hulle aan die minimum-toelatingsvereistes vir studie op hoëronderwysvlak. Hulle het nie die basiese akademiese grondslag in kommunikasie- (verbaal, lees en skryf), numeriese en geletterdheidsvaardighede nie. Hierdie tekortkominge is hoofsaaklik die gevolg daarvan dat studente uit landelike en voorheen benadeelde agtergronde toegelaat word, maar dat hulle nie deur die sekondêreskoolstelsel (basiese onderwys en verdere onderwys en opleiding) voldoende voorberei is om op hoëronderwysvlak te studeer nie. Dit gee aanleiding tot die sogenaamde artikulasiegaping. ‘n Verkennende gevallestudie is in reaksie op hierdie studie se navorsingsvraag by die Vaal Universiteit van Tegnologie uitgevoer. Hierdie vraag was, hoe kan ‘n buigsame kurrikulumstruktuur vir ‘n voorgraadse program ontwerp word om die artikulasiegaping tussen basiese onderwys en hoër onderwys te oorbrug? Personeel wat by die betrokke instansie se uitgebreide program betrokke was en studente wat op die program was, of wat reeds die program voltooi het, het aan persoonlike en fokusgroeponderhoude onderskeidelik deelgeneem. Die studie het bevind dat eerstejaarstudente in die uitgebreide program uiteenlopende behoeftes het. Dit het duidelik geword dat baie studente nie net akademies swak voorbereid is nie – hulle is ook sosiaal, kultureel, emosioneel en intellektueel onvoorbereid om studie in hoër onderwys suksesvol aan te pak. In hierdie studie is die ontwerp van die voorgestelde konseptuele model gebaseer op Tyler se model vir kurrikulumontwerp, wat al sedert 1947 in onderwys gebruik word. Die Tyler-model identifiseer en fokus daarop om 'n kurrikulum te ontwerp wat die uiteenlopende behoeftes van studente aanspreek. Die toename in studentegetalle in hoër onderwys stel uitdagings aan hoëronderwysinstellings, en navorsing moet gedoen word oor hoe om studente op sekondêreskoolvlak vir die eise van hoër onderwys voor te berei. Nog navorsing is nodig om te bepaal hoe die kurrikulum verbeter kan word om die akademiese sukses van studente te bevorder, en hoe om die aantal studente wat hoër onderwys suksesvol afhandel, te verhoog.enArticulationCurriculum designCurriculum developmentExtended programmesTransformationUnderpreparednessHigher educationCurriculum planningUndergraduatesDissertation (M.A. (Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2017An appreciative inquiry into the design of a conceptual model for a flexible undergraduate curriculum structureDissertationUniversity of the Free State