Higgs, Philip2017-09-082017-09-082002Higgs, P. (2002). Education for sustainable development and the virtue of education. Acta Academica, 34(2), 138-153.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6850English: In this article I shall critically reflect on the discourse of education for “sustainable development”. When referring to the virtue of education, I shall argue that the discourse on education for “sustainable development” should be informed not only by economic, environmental and sociological considerations, but also by an educational content which regards education as a matter of personal engagement. Such an educational content will ensure the safeguarding of the virtues which sustain a human/e world and the self-empowerment of people.Afrikaans: In hierdie artikel word krities besin oor die diskoers rondom “volhoubare ontwikkeling”. Met verwysing na die deugsaamheid van onderwys word die mening uitgespreek dat die diskoers oor onderwys vir “volhoubare ontwikkeling” nie slegs ekonomiese en sosiologiese oorwegings moet verreken nie, maar dat ’n benadering tot onderwys wat persoonlike betrokkenheid impliseer, ook betrek moet word. Sodanige benadering sal deugde verseker wat sowel ’n menswaardige wêreld as selfbemagtiging van mense onderskraag.enSustainable developmentVirtue of educationEducation for sustainable development and the virtue of educationArticleUniversity of the Free State