Karusseit, CatherineGibberd, Amanda2017-09-182017-09-182009Karusseit, C., & Gibberd, A. (2009). Towards inclusion: a critical appraisal of legislation and the South African Standard, Part S. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 16(1), 65-81.1023-0564 (print)2415-0487 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6925English: Since the demise of apartheid in 1994 South Africa has undergone tremendous transformation, both political and societal. Evidence of this is the constitution, which was adopted in 1996 and is considered to be one of the most progressive in the world. Its essence is rooted in the qualities of equality and diversity. Yet, despite the inclusive nature of changes made to the constitution and related legislation, the South African Standard (SABS 0400), in particular Part S ‘Facilities for disabled persons’, remains a discouragingly exclusive document. This article documents the inclusive nature of South Africa’s new constitution and related legislation against which context Part S of SABS 0400 is critically appraised. Research is conducted by means of a literature review, an interview with the South African National Standard (SANS) technical advisor and questionnaires; thereafter, the pertinent documentation is critically analysed. Finally, recommendations are made in an endeavour to achieve a built environment that is rightly inclusive.Afrikaans: Sedert die opheffing van apartheid in 1994 het Suid-Afrika geweldige transformasie ondergaan. Die grondwet, wat in 1996 aangeneem is en wat as een van die mees progressiewe grondwette in die wêreld beskou word, is ’n bewys van hierdie transformasie. Die grondwet se essensie is gewortel in gelykheid en diversiteit. Ten spyte van die inklusiewe karakter van die veranderinge wat aan die grondwet en verwante wetgewing aangebring is, bly die Suid-Afrikaanse Standaard (SABS 0400), veral Deel S ‘Fasiliteite vir gestremde persone’, nietemin ’n ontmoedigend eksklusiewe dokument. Hierdie artikel dokumenteer die inklusiewe aard van SuidAfrika se nuwe grondwet, asook verwante wetgewing. Deel S van die SABS 0400 word binne hierdie konteks krities beoordeel. Narvorsing is gedoen deur middel van ’n literatuurstudie, vraelyste, en ’n onderhoud met die tegniese raadgewer van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Standaard (SANS); hierna is die pertinente dokumentasie geanaliseer. Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak in ’n poging om ’n bou-omgewing wat waarlik inklusief is, daar te stel.enSouth AfricaConstitutionLegislationBuilding standardsInclusive environmentsTowards inclusion: a critical appraisal of legislation and the South African Standard, Part SArticleUniversity of the Free State