Marchant, RobertScott, LouisLane, PaulMuiruri, V. M.2016-09-052016-09-052008-02 Pollen, spore and charcoal analysis of deposits from Marura and Ewaso Narok swamps in Laikipia, Kenya, reveals anthropogenic activities and climate variability during the Late Holocene. Specifically, there was a shift from relatively closed to open woodland dominated by Acacia and grassland as suggested by an increase in Poaceae and herbaceous taxa indicative of an increase in disturbance. The reduction of Afromantane taxa such as Podocarpus, Olea and Rapanea, and the increase of Justicia and Asteraceae support the indication of an increase of human activities. This ecosystem change may result from a period of disturbance of bush clearance and agriculture intensification and/or climate variability during the last 2000 years. This ecosystem shift may further have been as a result of associated fire intensity in the savanna biome as indicated by increases in charcoal.Afrikaans : Stuifmeel-, spoor- en houtskoolanalise van afsettings van die Marura en Ewaso Narok vleilande in Laikipia, Kenya, dui op antropogeniese aktiwiteite en klimaatswisseling gedurende die Laat-Holoseen. In die besonder was daar 'n verskuiwing van ’n relatief geslote na oop bosveld gedomineer deur Acacia en grasveld soos weerspieël word deur meer Poaceae en kruidagtige taksa wat 'n toename in versteuring aandui. Die afname van Afromontane taksa soos Podocarpus, Olea en Rapanea en die toename van Justicia en Asteraceae ondersteun die aanduiding van 'n toename in menslike aktiwiteite. Hierdie ekosisteemverandering kon die gevolg gewees het van 'n periode van versteuring deur bos-opruiming en 'n toename in landbou en pastorale aktiwiteite en/of klimaatswisseling gedurende die laaste 2000 jaar. Die ekosisteeemverandering kon verder die gevolg gewees het van 'n toename in geassosieerde vuurintensiteit soos aangedui deur 'n toename in houtskool.enLaikipiaEcosystemClimatePollenCharcoalSporesHoloceneAnthropogenicPaleolimnology--KenyaPalaeoecology--KenyaPalaeoecology--HoloceneDissertation (M.Sc. (Plant Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2008Detecting environmental change and anthropogenic activities on Laikipia Plateau, KenyaDissertationUniversity of the Free State