Geyer, HermanSchloms, BennieDu Plessis, DanieVan Eeden, Amanda2016-06-092016-06-092011Geyer, H., Schloms, B., Du Plessis, D., & Van Eeden, A. (2011). Land quality, urban development and urban agriculture within the Cape Town urban edge. Town and Regional Planning, 59, 41-52.1012-280X (print)2415-0495 (online) The article analyses the consumption of agricultural land within the Cape Town urban edge between 2002 and 2007. The agricultural potential of the developed land and the distribution of land uses are analysed to determine the impact of urban growth on urban agriculture. The research indicates that low-density residential development is still the major consumer of high-potential agricultural land within the Cape Town urban edge. Commercial, industrial and informal residential development has little impact on the loss of agricultural land. High-potential agricultural land is not sufficiently protected. Urban agriculture is limited by open competition with more profitable land uses such as residential development. Consequently, the paper argues for a flexible urban containment policy whereby high-potential agricultural land within the urban edge is reserved solely for agricultural production, while land with little agricultural potential outside the urban edge should be made available for future urban development.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel ondersoek die mate waarin goeie kwaliteit landbougrond binne die stedelike grens van Kaapstad vanaf 2002 tot 2007 verbruik word. Die landboupotensiaal van grond waarop verstedeliking plaasgevind het, is ontleed om die invloed van stedelike ontwikkeling op stedelike landbou te bepaal. Die navorsing dui daarop dat lae-digtheidsontwikkeling die belangrikste verbruiker van hoë potensiaal landbougrond is. Kommersiële, industriële, en informele behuisingsontwikkeling dra minimal by tot die verlies van hoë potensiaal landbougrond. Daar is aanduidings dat landbougrond nie genoegsaam beskerm word nie. Die groei van stedelike landbou word ook beperk deur onbeperkde mededinging met meer winsgewende grondgebruike, veral residensiële ontwikkeling. Die artikel redeneer dat ’n buigsamer benadering tot ontwikkeling binne die stedelike grens toegepas moet word. Op gebiede waar hoë potensiaal landbougrond binne die stedelike grens voorkom, is dit wenslik dat stedelike ontwikkeling daarop verbied word terwyl stedelike ontwikkeling op lae kwaliteit landbougrond buite die stedelike grens oorweeg behoort te word.SeSotho: Ditaba tsena di lekola loe ho lekanyetsa tshebediso ya lefatshe la temo le sebediswang ka yona ka hara Motsekapa ho tloha ka selemo sa 2002 ho fihella selemong sa 2007.Bohlokwa ba tsa temo ba lefatshe le sebeditsweng (hlabolotsweng) le ditshebediso tsa lefatshe tse hlabolotsweng e lekenyetswa ho fumana matla a kgolo ya tsa temo dibakeng tsa metse ya ditoropo. Dipatlisiso tsena di bontsha hore ntshetsopele ya dibaka tsa bodulo tse se nang batho ba bangata kapa matlo a mangata e sa boetse e le yona mosebedisi tsa temo ya bohlokwa e phahameng ka hara dibaka tsa Motsekapa. Ntshetsopele ya tsa kgwebo, tsa indasteri le ntshetspopele ya dibaka tsa bodulo ha e ba matla a makalo tahlehelong ya lefatshe la temo.Tshireletso e sa lekanang e beilwe lefaltsheng la temo la boemo bo phahameng. Temo ya dibaka tsa metsemeholo ya ditoropo e lekanyeditswe hore e be e ka hlodisana le ditshebediso tsa lefatshe le nonneng le kang la ntshetsopele ya tsa bodulo. Ka bomadimabe pampiri e lwanela leano le bulehileng la metsemeholo ya ditoropo la poloko leo ka lona lefatshe la temo la boemo bo phahameng ka hara metsemeholo ya ditoropo le tla bolokelwang temo feela, ha lefatshe le se nang bohlokwa bo bokaalo ka ntle ho dibaka tsa metsemeholo ya ditoropo le tlamehile hore ho fanwe ka lona bakeng sa ntshetsope le ya dibaka tsa metsemeholo ya ditoropo e tla hahwa.enUrban developmentUrban agricultureLand quality, urban development and urban agriculture within the Cape Town urban edgeArticleDepartment of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Free State