Botha, Nonnie2016-06-142016-06-142013Botha, N. (2013). Engaging with the literature in postgraduate research. Acta Academica, 45(2), 1-26.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) Although supervisors provide relevant guidance, many postgraduate students find it difficult to make sense of the roles and functions of the literature in the various phases of their research work. This article describes how the problem presented itself in a masters class, the typical route students followed to address the problem, the inadequacy of this route and, finally, linking this type of learning to the theory on transformative learning as developed by Mezirow and furthered by Berger. This culminated in a framework which could enhance transformative learning and the development of the research and dissertation.Afrikaans: Hoewel studieleiers relevante leiding gee, worstel baie nagraadse studente om sin te maak uit die rolle en funksies van die literatuur in die verskillende fases van hul navorsing. Hierdie artikel beskryf hoe die probleem in ‘n magisterklas manifesteer het, die tipiese roete wat studente gevolg het om die probleem aan te spreek, die ontoereikendheid van hierdie roete en, uiteindelik, hoe hierdie tipe leer inskakel by die teorie van transformerende leer soos ontwikkel deur Mezirow en verder gevoer deur Berger. Die uitkoms hiervan was ‘n raamwerk ter ondersteuning van die bevordering van transformerende leer en die ontwikkeling van die navorsing en die verhandeling.enPostgraduate studentsPostgraduate researchTransformative learningEngaging with the literature in postgraduate researchArticleUniversity of the Free State