Luwes, N. J.Manenye, Masedi Godfrey2016-01-132016-01-13201420142014 The research problem and purpose of this dissertation was, firstly, to investigate the apparent interracial tension and intercultural intolerance in South Africa. Secondly, the aim and objective were to explore dance as a nonverbal artistic teaching tool for intercultural and interracial reconciliation. Investigation of applicable literature in the field of study supported the theory that a devised dance theatre production would be a workable process to attain the aims of the study. The methodology applied was based on Process As Research (PAR). Student dancers from different racial, cultural and language groups, as well as different genders, were selected to create a dance project under the guidance of a choreographer. Before and during rehearsals and after performances, interviews were filmed and observations recorded. The study describes the processes followed for deciding on the theme and the organisational work plan. The practical implementation of the plan, rehearsal processes and completion of the devised theatre dance project are explained. Initial problematic issues and the ways and means the participants implemented to overcome them, are discussed. Teaching dance as a means of intercultural reconciliation 10 Collected data before, during and after the intervention, indicates how dance can bring about cultural understanding among people of different racial, traditional and cultural backgrounds in a devised theatre production. Research findings presented, illustrate that dance as nonverbal communication becomes an effective unifying language that can cross intercultural and interracial borders. Thus, the study concludes that dance can advocate to being an effective learning tool for intercultural reconciliation. It brings about respect and awareness, enabling people from different cultures to learn about the ‘others’. Nonverbal communication is thus seen as complementary to verbal communication in attaining that. Finally the study proposes that the world outside the theatre and the stage could also be seen as a ‘dance floor’ for all who are willing to dance into the future as reconciled nations.Afrikaans: Die navorsingsprobleem en doel van hierdie dissertasie was, eerstens, om die oënskynlik onderliggende rassespanning en onverdraagsaamheid tussen kulture te ondersoek. Tweedens was die doel om ondersoek in te stel na dans as ʼn nieverbale, artistieke onderrigmiddel vir versoening tussen verskillende kulture en rasse. Navorsing van toepaslike literatuur in die studieveld, ondersteun die teorie dat uitgewerkte (“devised”) dansteaterproduksies ʼn werkbare proses sal wees om die doelwitte van die studie te bereik. Deur prosesnavorsing is ʼn ondersoek geloods. Studentedansers van verskillende rasse, kulture, taalgroepe en geslagte is gekeur om deel te vorm van ʼn dansprojek onder leiding van ʼn choreograaf. Voor en na aanvang van repetisies en ná die opvoeringsperiode, is onderhoude verfilm en gewaarwordinge opgeneem. Die studie beskryf die prosesse wat gevolg is om op ʼn tema en organisatoriese werksplan te besluit. Die praktiese implementering van die plan, die repetisieprosesse en voltooiing van die uitgewerkte dansteaterproduksie word verduidelik. Aanvanklike problematiek en die werkwyses wat die deelnemers geïmplementeer het om dit te oorkom, word bespreek. Data wat voor, tydens en ná die intervensie ingesamel is, dui aan hoe dans kan bydra tot kulturele begrip tussen mense van verskillende rasse, tradisies en kulturele agtergronde in ʼn uitgewerkte teaterproduksie. Navorsingsbevindinge wat aangebied word, illustreer hoe dans as nieverbale kommunikasie ʼn doeltreffende, verenigende taal word wat die grense tussen rasse en kulture kan oorkom. Die studie is dus van mening dat dans daarop kan aanspraak maak dat dit ʼn effektiewe instrument van leer is vir interkulturele versoening. Dit bring respek en bewustheid mee waardeur mense van verskillende kulture in staat gestel word om van die “ander” te kan leer. Nieverbale kommunikasie kan dus meer effektief wees as wanneer verbale kommunikasie alleen gebruik word. Uiteindelik stel die studie dit dat die wêreld buite teater en die verhoog ook as ʼn “dansvloer” gesien kan word deur almal wat bereid is om as versoende nasies die toekoms binne te dans.enReconciliationIntercultural communicationDanceDissertation (M.A. (Drama and Theatre Arts))--University of the Free State, 2014Teaching dance as a means of intercultural reconciliationDissertationUniversity of the Free State