Costandius, Elmarie2017-08-222017-08-222009Costandius, E. (2009). Independent and interdependent concepts of self: a meeting of worlds. Acta Academica, 41(2), 158-179.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article argues for a re-evaluation of pedagogical methods to integrate an interdependent concept of self with an independent concept of self in order to enhance teaching and learning. The influence of an African communal or interdependent system in comparison with the dominant independent individual system is investigated by means of interviews with students at the Arts Department. The socialconstructivist learning perspective with the concept of communities of practice as a framework is used for the study. Based on the findings, the article advocates teaching and learning methods that are more multiculturally sensitive and that incorporate “other” voices and alternative ways of dialogue in order to improve interaction and information sharing.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel argumenteer vir ’n herevaluering van pedagogiese metodes deur die interafhanklike konsep van self te inkorporeer met die individuele konsep van self om leer en onderrig te bevorder. Deur middel van onderhoude met studente by die Kunsdepartement word die kommunale interafhanklike verwantskap in teenstelling met die tans dominante onafhanklike, meer kompeterende individuele sisteem ondersoek. Die sosiaal-konstruktiwistiese leerperspektief word gebruik met die klem op praktykgemeenskappe (“communities of practice”) as ’n raamwerk vir die studie. Op basis van die bevindinge word voorstelle vir onderrig-en-leermetodes gemaak wat multikultureel-sensitief is en wat ook ander “stemme” insluit deur alternatiewe metodes van dialoog en interaksie te bevorder.enCommunities of practiceTeaching and learningInterdependent culturesIndependent cultureIndependent and interdependent concepts of self: a meeting of worldsArticleUniversity of the Free State