Lategan, Laetus2019-08-052019-08-051999Lategan, L. (1999). Frameworks for institutional audits for quality in South African higher education. Acta Academica, 31(1), 118-139.2415-0479 (online)0587-2405 (print) This paper attempts to establish the most suitable a system for institutional audits of higher education institutions in South Africa. It focuses on four areas: theory, philosophy, categories and practice. The paper argues that self-evaluation is fundamental to the audit portfolio and the institutional audits (theory). An approach is suggested where the focus is on procedures and mechanisms for quality instead of on quality per se (philosophy). The author suggests eight categories for institutional audits: quality, policy implementation, evaluating mechanisms, teaching and learning, strategic management, student satisfaction, cost-effectiveness and external influences on the quality of the institutions.Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie artikel is om ondersoek in te stel na 'n stelsel van institusionele oudits met die oog op gehalteversekering wat die beste geskik sal wees vir die hoër-onderwysinstellings in Suid-Afrika. Die fokus val op vier areas: teorie, filosofie, kategorieë en praktyk. Hierdie artikel betoog dat self-evaluering ten grondslag van die oudit portfolio en die institusionele oudits lê (teorie). 'n Benadering word voorgestel waar die fokus op prosedures en meganismes vir gehalte is in plaas van gehalte per se (filosofie). Agt kategorieë vir institusionele oudits word voorgestel: die berekenis van gehalte, beleidsimplementering, evalueringsmeganismes, onderrig en leer, strategiese bestuur, studente satisfaksie, koste-effektiwireit en eksterne invloede op die gehalte van instellings.enInstitutional auditsSouth AfricaHigher educationFrameworks for institutional audits for quality in South African higher educationArticleUniversity of the Free State