Grobler, A. G.Parau, Ricardo Emmanuel2025-01-082025-01-082023 (M.Ed.(Subject Education))--University of the Free State, 2023In this study, I explored the influence of effective disciplinary strategies on the self-efficacy of English FAL educators, and further aimed at supporting educators on how to utilise effective disciplinary strategies that might enhance an educator’s self-efficacy. In this study, a literature search explored types of disciplinary challenges educators faced in the FET EFAL classroom. The literature survey also comprised literature that investigated how disciplinary challenges affected educator self-efficacy. Furthermore, it examined effective disciplinary strategies that might enhance educator self-efficacy in the FET EFAL classroom. The study aimed to best explain the phenomenon under investigation, namely exploring the influence of classroom discipline and to suggest effective disciplinary strategies that would contribute to enhanced educator self-efficacy in the FET EFAL classroom. The specific theoretical frameworks that were applied in this study were those utilising Skinner’s Behaviourism and Bandura’s Self-efficacy. The study employed a qualitative approach, with focus placed on the interpretivist paradigm. Individual, semi-structured interviews, observation, and open-ended questionnaires were employed to collect data from participants. There were 12 participants in total, who all taught EFAL, in four schools within the Motheo District in Bloemfontein. I used Thematic Analysis through identifying codes and deriving themes from the data. The use of Atlas.ti was employed to ensure reliability. Key findings of the study offered a valuable understanding of the types of behavioural issues found in the FET EFAL classroom and of the influence of disruptive behaviours and challenging classroom environments on the emotional well-being and professional commitment of educators, thereby impacting on their self-efficacy. The study further highlighted the need for establishing discipline through the consistent enforcement of rules and regulations, as well as implementing seating arrangements that discourage disruptive conduct and promote a respectful relationship between educators and learners within the FET EFAL classroom.enExploring the influence of effective disciplinary strategies on English FAL educators’ self-efficacyDissertationUniversity of the Free State