Botma, Y.Motiki, Z. D.Viljoen, M. C.2019-03-062019-03-062007Botma, Y., Motiki, Z. D., & Viljoen, M. C. (2007). Learners' knowledge and perceptions of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV and AIDS in the Free State Province. Curationis, 30(2), 48-57.2223-6279 (online)0379-8577 (print) The study investigated the perceptions of the youth regarding Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) and sexual aspects related to HIV and AIDS. The study was grounded in qualitative methodology, using 4 focus group interviews for data collection - triangulating the results with field notes and literature. The participants of the four focus groups proved to be well informed on the topic and had clear perceptions concerning several aspects. They were very positive regarding the advantages of VCT for the prevention and management of HIV and AIDS. The participants recognised the need for the youth to be better informed about VCT and HIV and AIDS. They were much concerned by the lack of parental involvement in sexual education as well as the permissiveness o f the youth who partook in alcohol and drug abuse as well as prostitution. Participants o f the study stated that this problem was exacerbated by poverty and poor socio economic conditions.Afrikaans: Die doel van die studie was om die persepsies van die jeug betreffende Vrywillige Berading en Toetsing (VBT) vir MIV en VIGS asook verwante seksuale aspekte te ondersoek. Die navorsing was kwalitatief van aard. Met gebruik van 4 fokusgroep onderhoude is data versamel wat getrianguleer is met veldnotas en literatuur. Die deelnemers aan die fokusgroep besprekings, was goed ingelig oor die onderwerp en het sterk opinies gehad rakende verskeie aspekte. Hulle was baie positief oor die rol van VBT in die voorkoming en hantering van MIV en VIGS. Die deelnemers het die belangrikheid daarvan beklemtoon dat die jeug beter ingelig moet wees oor VBT en MIV en VIGS. Hulle was baie bekommerd oor die gebrek aan ouerlike bertokkenheid by seksuele opvoeding asook die permissiwiteit van die jeug wat dwelms en alkohol misbruik en betrokke is by prostitusie. Die deelnemers aan die projek het gevoel dat hierdie probleme vererger word deur armoede en algemene swak sosio-ekonomiese toestande.enNursingVoluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT)HIV and AIDSQualitative methodologyPrevention and managementSexual educationLearners' knowledge and perceptions of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV and AIDS in the Free State ProvinceArticleAuthor(s) retain copyrightCreative Commons Attribution License 4.0