Labuschagne, M. T.Viljoen, C. D.Swanepoel, Ezanne2017-05-222017-05-221999-12 AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) analysis has found widespread use in DNA fingerprinting because of its relative simplicity, low cost and high marker output. AFLP analysis also does not have the limitations associated with morphological characterisation and the use of other molecular markers such as RFLP's (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) and RAPD's (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers). Furthermore, the AFLP technique has found widespread use in the identification of cultivars, varieties and breeding lines. The accurate identification of breeding material is extremely important, not only for the protection of breeder's rights, but also to accelerate plant-breeding programmes. The aim of this study was to use AFLP fingerprinting for the identification and genetic distance analysis of a collection of maize inbred lines from the Advanta Africa genebanks. Fifty maize inbred lines from Africa (local), Argentina, Zimbabwe (CIMMYT), Garst (USA) and Thailand were fingerprinted using AFLP's. A total of 107 scored AFLP loci were used to calculate pairwise genetic distances. This revealed an average genetic distance of 4.38% between all lines studied. The trend of the clustering pattern was more variation in the major clusters with less variation between lines in subgroups and even less variation within the minor groups. It was also further illustrated that the local and foreign inbred lines were not grouped separately. Neighbour joining cluster analysis of the genetic distance data yielded a dendogram that indicated the absence of relation between geographic diversity and genetic diversity. The resulting knowledge of genetic distance and identification of maize inbred lines in this study will contribute towards maize breeding programmes in Advanta Africa Seeds. It permits an organisation of germplasm resources and identification of parents for crossing blocks. This will enable the breeder to make more scientific based choices, where both additive and non-additive sources of genetic variation contribute to the gain. Our results have shown that AFLP technology is a rapid, informative and precise technique for identification of maize inbred lines in this studyAfrikaans: AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) analise het 'n wye toepassing gevind in DNA bandpatroon identifikasie a.g.v. die relatiewe eenvoudigheid daarvan, lae kostes en 'n hoë merker uitset. AFLP analise het ook nie die beperkings geassosieer met morfologiese karakterisering, en die gebruik van sommige molekulêre merkers soos RFLP's (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) en RAPD's (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers) nie. Verder het die AFLP tegniek 'n wye toepassing gevind in identifikasie van kultivars, variëteite en teellyne. Die akkurate identifikasie van teelmateriaal is geweldig belangrik, nie net vir die beskerming van plantetelersregte nie, maar ook om teelprogramme te versnel. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die AFLP tegniek te gebruik vir die identifikasie en genetiese afstandsbepaling van 'n versameling van ingeteelde mielielyne wat teenwoordig is in Advanta Africa Seeds geenbanke. Vyftig ingeteelde lyne van Afrika (lokaal), Argentinië, Zimbabwe (CIMMYT), Garst (Amerika) en Thailand se bandpatrone is bepaal met AFLP analise. 'n Totaal van 107 vasgestelde AFLP loci is gebruik om paargewyse genetiese afstande te bereken. Dit het 'n gemiddelde genetiese afstand van 4.38% aangetoon tussen al die ingeteelde lyne wat bestudeer is. Die algemene neiging van die groepering was meer variasie in die hoofgroepe, met minder variasie III die subgroepe en selfs minder variasie in die kleiner groepe. Dit was verder geïllustreer deurdat die lokale en oorsese lyne nie apart gegroepeer was nie. ''Neighbour joining" analise van die genetiese afstand data het 'n dendogram gegee wat aangedui het dat daar geen verwantskap is tussen geografiese- en genetiese diversiteit nie. Die kennis wat III hierdie studie gegenereer is van genetiese afstande en identifikasie van ingeteelde mielielyne sal bydra tot verbetering van mielie teelprogramme in Advanta Africa Seeds. Dit verskaf die kennis om kiemplasma bronne te organiseer, en om geskikte ouers te kies vir kruisingsblokke. Dit sal die teler in staat stelom meer wetenskaplik gebaseerde besluite te neem, waar beide additiewe en nie-additiewe bronne van genetiese variasie bydra tot gewas verbetering. Hierdie studie het aangetoon dat AFLP tegnologie vinnig, informatief en presies is vir die identifikasie van die ingeteelde mielielyne wat bestudeer is.enAmplified Fragment Length polymorphism (AFLP)AFLP markersDNA fingerprintingGenetic distanceGenetic variationMaize inbred linesMorphological characterisationGenetic mapsDNA fingerprinting of plantsCorn -- BreedingDissertation (M.Sc.Agric (Plant Breeding))--University of the Free State, 1999Identification of genetic distances and heterotic groups of inbred maize (Zea mays) lines using DNA fingerprintingDissertationUniversity of the Free State