Swartz, J. F.Heyns, P. M.Van Zyl, Lynette2016-01-082016-01-081992-111992-111992-11http://hdl.handle.net/11660/2090English: This study investigates the prevalence of stress among a group of black teachers at four secondary schools in the Bloemfontein city area and includes a stress-management programme that was presented to these. teachers. There exists a great shortage of research about teacher stress within the context of the black South African community. In the literature the occurrence. of stres is approached from different viewpoints and stress research. stretches over a broad and comprehensive area. The researcher has chosen the interactional model of stress from the various models available. This model focuses on factors that cause stress, stress reactions and coping mechani~ms. A literature study on stress among teachers in general is presented, after which attention is devoted to stress as experienced by black_teachers in the RSA. In the . course of the study the researcher at first followed an experimental research approach, but because of practical problems that was encountered, this had to be abandoned. ·She next decided to adopt the principals of action research, an approach which emphasises the involvement of the researcher, as well as an effort to change the behaviour of the participants in the project by means of the research. Data were collected by means of the Stress Audit . Questionnaire and a semi-structured interview, based on the Egan Helping Model (1990). No statistical revision of the questionnaire data could be done due to a shortage of respondents. Nevertheless it was possible to arrive at a few conclusions which may afford a certain amount of insight into the problem. The interviews have provided particularly valuable information. There had been three interviews with the teachers. A stress management programme was presented during the second interview. During the third interview the programme was evaluated and further needs were determined. The results of the questionaire show that almost all the teachers see themselves as capable of handling stress, but that about a third of the group have exceptionally high levels of stres·s. The researcher does not regard this results as reliable, however. Results of the interviews show that a lot of stressors is connected with the work-situation of the teachers. These stress-factors could be properly identified by the teachers, but they feel incapable of doing anything about the situation. Support and help from collegues, the community and especially teaching authorities seem to be a great need. The researcher recommends that action research be used to develop a stress management programme that takes the unique needs of the black teacher into account.Afrikaans: Hierdie studie het die voorkoms van stres by 'n groep swart onderwysers aan vier hoerskole in die stedelike Bloemfontein-area ondersoek en sluit 'n streshanteringsprogram in wat aan hierdie onderwysers gebied is. Daar bestaan 'n groat leemte aan navorsing. oor stres by onderwysers binne die konteks van die swart Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap. Die verskynsel van stres word in die literatuur uit verskeie hoeke benader en stresnavorsing strek oor 'n wye en omvattende gebied. Die navorser het verkies om uit die onderskeie modelle van stres die interaksionele model wat fokus op faktore wat stres veroorsaak, stresreaksies en hanteringsmeganismes te neem. 'n · Literatuurstudie is· gedoen oor stres · by onderwysers in die algemeen waarna aandag gegee . is aan stresfaktore in die streservaring van swart onderwysers in di~ RSA in besonder. Die navorser het aanvanklik 'n eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp benut, maar moes weens praktiese problems wat opgeduik het in die loop van die projek daarvan afsien. · . Sy het daarop besluit om die riglyne van aksienavorsing te volg waar klem geplaas word op die betrokkenheid van die navorser asook die strewe om deur middel van· die navorsing verandering by ·die deelnemers aan die projek te bewerkstellig. Gegewens is ingesamel deur middel van die Stres Audit-Vraelys en 'n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud gebaseer op Egan (1990) se hulpverleningsmodel. Geen statistiese verwerking . van die vraelysgegewens kon uitgevoer word nie weens te min proefpersone. Nogtans kon enkele insiggewende afleidings daaruit gemaak word. inligting opgelewer. Die onderhoude het besonder bruikbare Drie gespreksgeleenthede het met die onderwysers plaasgevind. 'n Streshanteringsprogram is tydens die tweede geleentheid · aangebied. Tydens die. derde geleentheid is die program geevalueer en 'n verdere behoeftebeplanning gedoen. Die resultate van die vraelys dui daarop dat die onderwysers feitlik deurgaans hulself as toereikend beskou met betrekking tot stresweerbaarheid, maar dat ongeveer 'n derde van die groep besonder hoe vlakke van stres ervaar. Die navorser beskou egter nie hierdie resultate as betroubaar nie. Resultate van die onderhoude dui op 'n tiele aantal stressore wat gekoppel is aan die werksituasie van die onderwysers. Hierdie stresfaktore kon voldoende deur die onderwysers ge"identifiseer word, maar hulle ervaar 'n magteloosheid om iets aan die situasie te verander. Ondersteuning en bystand van kollegas, die gemeenskap en veraI die onderwysowerhede blyk 'n groot behoefte te wees. Die navorser beveel aan dat aksienavorsing benut word ten einde 'n streshanteringsprogram te ontwikkel wat die eiesoortige behoeftes van die swart onderwysers sou kon aanspreek .afStress managementTeachers -- South Africa -- Job stressBlacks -- Education -- South Africa -- BloemfonteinDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Psychology) - University of the Free State, 1992Die doeltreffendheid van 'n streshanteringsprogram vir onderwysers van die Departement Onderwys en OpleidingDissertationUniversity of the Free State