Botha, FerdiBooysen, Frikkie2016-06-142016-06-142013Botha, F., & Booysen, F. (2013). The relationship between marital status and life satisfaction among South African adults. Acta Academica, 45(2), 150-178.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article examines the association between marital status and reported life satisfaction in South Africa. Using the 2008 National Income Dynamics Survey, the relationship between marital status and life satisfaction is heterogeneous. In the overall sample, life satisfaction is significantly higher for married compared to widowed individuals, while the former are more satisfied than those from all other marital statuses. In the overall and female samples, married people are more satisfied compared to those from all other marital status groups. Married men are not significantly more satisfied than men from other marital statuses as a whole. Marriage is positively associated with life satisfaction among women, but not among men.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel bestudeer die verband tussen huwelikstatus en lewenstevredenheid in Suid-Afrika. Gebaseer op data uit die 2008 National Income Dynamics Survey is die algemene verhouding tussen huwelikstatus en lewenstevredenheid gemeng. In die algehele steekproef is lewenstevredenheid beduidend hoër vir getroude persone relatief tot wewenaars of weduwees, terwyl eersgenoemde meer tevrede is as persone van alle ander huwelikstatusse. In die algehele en vroulike steekproewe is getroude persone meer tevrede relatief tot persone van alle ander huwelikstatusgroepe. Getroude mans is nie beduidend meer tevrede as mans van alle ander huwelikstatusse in die geheel nie. Die huwelik is positief verwant aan lewensgeluk vir vroue, maar nie vir mans nie.enMarital statusLife satisfactionThe relationship between marital status and life satisfaction among South African adultsArticleUniversity of the Free State