Van der Merwe, Willie2017-09-062017-09-062003Van der Merwe, W. (2003). Multiculturalism (s)? a critical appraisal. Acta Academica, 35(2), 62-80.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) Various normative stances or responses in respect of multiculturalism are distinguished and briefly evaluated. The article focuses on what can be called “mosaic multiculturalism” — a multicultural condition (and concomitant responses) in which communities and individuals strive to protect (aspects of) their value systems from contamination or erosion by others and demand public recognition of them. The article examines the justifiability of such a “politics of recognition”. It tries to show that the ultimate ground of “mosaic multiculturalism” is an aporia, which allows for ongoing intercultural critique, and provides a basis for intercultural tolerance.Afrikaans: Verskeie normatiewe beskouinge van of reaksies op multikulturalisme word in hierdie artikel onderskei en kortliks beoordeel. Die fokus val op wat “mosaïek-multikulturalisme” genoem word — ’n multikulturele toestand (en die reaksies daarop) waarby gemeenskappe en indiwidue poog om (aspekte van) hulle waardesisteme te beskerm teen beïnvloeding of ondermyning deur ander waardesisteme en aandring op publieke erkenning van hul eie. Die regverdigbaarheid van so ’n “politiek van erkenning” word ondersoek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat “mosaïek-multikulturalisme” uiteindelik berus op ’n aporie, wat voortgaande interkulturele kritiek moontlik maak en tegelykertyd die grondslag lê vir interkulturele verdraagsaamheid.enMulticulturalismMosaic multiculturalismIntercultural toleranceMulticulturalism(s)? A critical appraisalArticleUniversity of the Free State