Labuschagne, M. J.Breedt, Shimone Chantel2017-08-112017-08-112017-01 The South African Nursing Council (SANC) requires that all nursing students rotate and work in the operating room. Most of these students have never been inside an operating room and feel unsure of what is expected of them due to the fact that they are not proficient in most of the skills that will assist them in their participation within this set-up. These students are unable to participate and learn on their first rotation in the operating room, leaving the students often feeling in the way and with a negativity regarding operation room nursing. Implemented preparation programmes in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, has proven that improved preparation programmes are successful. A study was conducted to establish what should be in such a preparation programme, as well as what teaching strategies would be most beneficial. The study was done in the field of Health Professions Education and lies in the domain of academic programme development, as the view was to improve the student nurse’s preparation for OR rotation. The study was interdisciplinary, as it reaches across Health Professions Education and Nursing. For this study, a descriptive qualitative inquiry was used by means of two nominal group sessions for data collection and the assimilation of a literature review on the topic. One nominal group was undertaken with third-year nursing students that had just completed their placement in the operating room and the other group comprised of personnel working in the operating room where the students were placed. The data were written verbatim on a flip board and categories were identified by the researcher. These categories were compared and discussed with regard to the findings and the recommendations of the literature review in mind. The categories identified were: Documentation Swab and instrument control Maintaining of sterility Equipment Orientation Theatre preparation. Preferred teaching strategies that were identified: Formal lecture with written test Practical group sessions Pre-placements preparation Simulation and demonstration Visual learning. All of the participants agreed that the current preparation/orientation programme do not adequately prepare the students for optimal participation or learning during their placement and that a programme that ensured that the students are able to perform certain tasks from the first day of placement would be equally beneficial for personnel and students. This could improve learning of the students while improving their overall experience of the operating room. This study provides recommendations on the content for a preparation programme and the results may be used to develop an improved preparation programme.Afrikaans: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging vereis dat alle verpleegkunde studente roteer en werk in the operasiesaal. Die meeste van hierdie studente het nog nooit die binnekant van enige operasie saal gesien nie en voel onseker van wat van hulle verwag word aangesien hulle geen vaardighede het wat deelname in die operasiesaal kan bevorder nie. Die onvermoë om deel te neem en aktief te leer tydens hulle eerste rotasie, het tot gevolge dat die studente meestal in die pad voel en los hulle met ‘n negatiwiteit ten opsigte van operasiesaalverpleging. Voorbereidingsprogramme wat geimplementeer word in die Vereningde State van Amerika en die Vereningde Koningkryk, het bewys dat die voorbereidingsprogramme suksesvol geïmplementeer is. ‘n Diepte studie is uitgevoer om vas te stel wat behoort in so ‘n voorbereidings program te wees, so wel as watter leer strategieë die mees voordeligste sal wees. Die studie was uitgevoer in die veld van Gesondheidsorg onderrig en lê in die domein van akademiese program ontwikkeling, aangesien die studie gedoen word met die oog op die verbetering van die student verpleegkundige se voorbereiding vir operasie saal rotasie. Die studie is interdisiplinêr, aangesien dit gesondheidsorg onderrig en verpleegkunde kruis. Vir die studie was ‘n beskrywende kwalitatiewe ondersoek gebruik deur data in te samel deur middel van twee nominale groepe en die samestelling van ‘n literatuuroorsig oor die onderwerp. Een nominale groep is gedoen met derdejaar student verpleegkundiges wat hulle plasing in die operasie saal voltooi het en die ander groep was die personeel wat in die operasie saal werk waar die student verpleegkundiges geplaas was. Die data is verbatim neergeskryf op ‘n blaaibord en kategorieë is geïdentifiseer deur die navorser. Die kategorieë is vergelyk en bespreek met betrekking tot die bevindinge en voorstelle van die literatuuroorsig. Geïdentifiseerde kategorieë was: Dokumentasie Depper en instrumentasie kontrole Handhawing van steriliteit Toerusting Oriëntasie Teater voorbereiding. Voorkeur leer strategieë wat geïdentifiseer was: Formele lesings met geskrewe toetse Praktiese groep sessies Voor plasing voorgebereiding Simulasie en demonstrasie Visuele lering. Al die deelnemers stem saam dat die huidige voorbereidings-/oriëntasieprogram nie die studente voldoende voorberei vir optimale deelname of leer tydens hulle plasing, en dat ‘n program wat verseker dat die student sekere take kan doen, vanaf die eerste dag van plasing, voordelig sal wees vir beide die personeel en die studente. Dit sal ook die studente se leer tydens plasing verhoog sowel as hulle algehele belewenis van die operasiesaal. Die studies verskaf aanbevelings aangaande die inhoud van ‘n voorbereidingsprogram en die reslutate kan gebruik word vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n verbeterede voorbereidingsprogram.enOperating room (OR)Preparation of the student nursePreparation programmeNursing students|Nursing -- Study and teachingOperating room nursingDissertation (M.HPE. (Health Professions Education))--University of the Free State, 2017Preparation of nursing students for operating room exposureDissertationUniversity of the Free State