Alpaslan, Assim2016-06-152016-06-152011Alpaslan, A. (2011). " Sunny side and/or shady side?": the living conditions and resilience of elderly Sunnyside residents. Acta Academica, 43(2), 113-144.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article describes the experiences relating to the living conditions of a sample of older people residing in Sunnyside, Tshwane. Based on their narratives and the meanings they attach to their living conditions in Sunnyside, this article concludes that this suburb has both a sunny and a shady side for the elderly. Their view of and approach to life, as well as their resilience enable the elderly to deal with the shady side of Sunnyside. Contrary to what might have been expected, the advantages relating to the sunny side of their suburb appear to transcend the disadvantages of its shady side.Afrikaans: Die artikel beskryf ’n groep bejaarde persone se ervarings rondom hul lewensomstandighede in Sunnyside, Tshwane. Vanuit die deelnemers se vertellinge en die betekenisse wat hulle heg aan hulle lewensomstandighede in Sunnyside is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Sunnyside vir dié groep bejaardes beide ’n son- en ’n skadukant het. Die manier waarop die deelnemers na die lewe kyk en dit benader en die veerkragtigheid wat hulle demonstreer bemagtig hulle om die skadukant van Sunnyside te hanteer. In teenstelling met wat verwag sou word, lyk dit asof die voordele verbonde aan die sonkant die skadukant van die woonbuurt oorheers.enOlder personsSunnysideResilience“Sunny side and/or shady side?”: the living conditions and resilience of elderly Sunnyside residentsArticleUniversity of the Free State